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"Thought everything I did was already decided 

Living a life that wasn't even mine 

Everything changed when you came into my sight

And I said, 'Darling, please just stay by my side'

I have you, I don't need more

Your waves are crashin' on my shore

It's you, to whom I wanna come home

Never be alone, with you I'll roam

It's pink, the feel of your lips

With you, everything's at my fingertips

The feel of your body, it's red

You're an angel in person that I've met."

The song I'd made for Jimin's birthday ended and by the time I had turned off the CD player, I felt his lips on mine. We kissed sweetly, his fingers tugging at my hair and feet on top of mine as I swayed him gently.

"Jungkook, I really, really love you. Thank you," he murmured against my lips. "When did you do this? How are you so perfect?"

I smiled happily at his response to my gift. "It wasn't that hard writing about you. Remember that time I told you I had to work late? That's when I recorded it. And as for the secret," I said as I pulled away so that I could gaze into his eyes. "I'm only amazing because you make me. You're the reason, Jimin."

He giggled blissfully as we slow danced without any music. It was still okay. The beating of Jimin's heart under my palm was the tune. 

"Looks like I'm going to have to do something  incredible for your birthday to top this off," Jimin said simply but I could see the wheels turn in his brain-he was already planning.

"Or you could just give me a kiss," I whispered.

"I do that everyday," he deadpanned but I saw his grin.

"Life is wonderful."

"Only with you," he replied as I brought our lips together again.


This is the result of me being too energetic when I'm supposed to be sleeping lol

Loveeee youuuuuu,



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