I'll be your strength

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It had all happened so fast. It was a happy day, a fourteen year old Jimin and his family had decided to go on a short road trip and drive up to his grandparents' place. Everything was so...peaceful. And he was excited. He was texting his friends, telling them what his plans were for the next few days when it happened. 

The events that led to his life taking a total one eighty degree turn.

For a month later, the news was broken to him. He'd lost his parents and his older sister in the car accident that took place when they were in their way to his grandparents' place. And it was like he could see all of his emotions in front of him-anger, grief, regret and that horrible empty feeling he didn't want to name. He looked at his uncle in front of him, who'd told him what had happened. He'd never seen him like that-shaking and unable to keep his voice from cracking. He had looked around the room, his family members-all of his aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents looking at him with sympathy. Trying to hold back their tears for his sake. Because Jimin couldn't cry. He wasn't allowed to. The accident had scarred him physically as well.

He managed to keep himself together. Confiding in best friends and closest brothers and sisters helped him a lot. Made Jimin feel like there was someone there for him. But he wasn't okay. And neither was his remaining family. 

It has been fifteen years now, he's 29. But as he lights up a candle in front of the pictures of his late family, to honour them on their death anniversary, he breaks. He lets loose all of those emotions he'd suprresed back then. The insecurity, the feeling of loneliness while being surrounded by the closest of his family members. It just wasn't the same. And it never would be. He was standing here, happily mated and married, pregnant but all he could think of was: they would've wanted to be here. 

And he knew it would be no good to ask why this had happened to him of all people. Because there was no answer to that. And he didn't want to think wishfully, think that if only they were here, things would've been so much easier. Because he couldn't change anything.

Jimin puts his hand on his belly, rubbing it softly and it crosses his mind that his child would only have one set of grandparents. That was enough to brim his eyes with unshed tears again. 

"Jimin?" came Jungkook's voice.

He turned to face him, not bothering to hide his tears. Or pain. Because Jungkook could see it all. Jungkook didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around him, enveloping him in his arms and scent. 

"I won't ask you to stop crying. Because that's like telling you to not feel," he hears him say.

"I-I miss them so much!" he whimpers. "I hate that they're not here. And that I can't do anything about it." 

His mate rubs his back soothingly, swaying him lightly as he whispers, "They're still with you, you know that?"

Jimin pulls away slightly, frowning.

Jungkook kisses his forehead tenderly. "In there." And then he pats Jimin's chest. Right on his heart. "And in there."

He bites his lip as he sniffles. "Oh, Jungkook. They would've loved you so much."

"I know, honey. And they are watching you from up there, puffing out their chests in pride. You kept going. You learnt how to live without them. That's what matters. You miss them, of course you do. But you don't let that stop you from living."

Jimin nods. "Thanks."

"Don't say that. What else can you expect from me?"

He giggles at that indignated tone. 

"And Jimin?"

He looks into his eyes, waiting for him to go on.

"You don't have to be strong all the time. You're allowed to say that you're in pain. Or that you need support. Because I'm right here. And I know you have more than enough of it, but if you ever need more, I'll be your strength. You can rely on me."

And Jimin's heart is singing. For he now had everything he'd been afraid he won't ever have because of his childhood trauma. A successful career, a loving mate and soon enough, he'll have a baby.

"Jungkook, I-I'm so grateful I found you. I'd be so lost without you." 

He kisses his nose with a goofy smile. "If not with you, where else would I be? We belong together. And not even death is going to keep me from pestering you."

Jimin laughs at that and brings his head to rest against Jungkook's shoulder. "The same goes to you, Jeon. I'm here to hold your hand. Always."

"I know," says Jungkook cheekily. "It's kinda the reason why I proposed."

And Jimin slaps his arm lightly. 

Maybe sometimes when life takes something away from you, it gives you back soemthing that you'll love just as much as what you lost. Maybe even more. 

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