if i could just see you

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"Father i don't understand…" I say politely, biting my tongue at the impolite words that want to fall from between my lips.

"Emery you are my daughter. You are more so than even Dustin who I sired over a hundred years ago." Cadence responded with his authority held voice. "The next few evenings you understand are important. Last week's events have set in motion things that you are not involved in, yet having you at my side. Showing how our royal family holds themselves is important."

I nod in agreement. Cadence has been a vampire for over 300 years. They can reproduce, some of them. It's as though only some are blessed with the ability and for two a male vamp and female to find each other and be able to is rare. So siring by producing a vampire from a human is usually the way they continue their legacy. Not my sire, father. He found another way. It only worked once, me.

"Lovely I will enter first and Dustin will bring you along in a moment." He says kissing my cheek. I hold steady accepting his affection.

He walks out of the hotel suite's living room. Large with sofas symmetrical and perfectly placed to match the room. A glass coffee table elegantly glimmering reflecting the lights from the hanging chandelier. I don't have to wait long and when the hairs on my arms stand up before I can even hear him. I know Dustin is in the room looking at me, looming over me as he does.

Dustin like father has black hair though his eyes match his hair in a deep black hole full of nothing but evil. Father's are a warm brown that show his affection towards me even when I know what I am to him. A weapon. A daughter not to live but be kept. Dustin slightly taller than father at 6 foot he uses every inch of that height to intimidate. Broad and thick with strong shoulders and an extra bit of weight around his gut.

"Dear sister aren't you a sight to behold." His voice was almost too high pitched for a man of his size. The only similarity between me and Dustin is our pale ivory skin. "Navy has always been your colour. Every inch of the gown fits as though I could see what it holds beneath." He doesn't mean to compliment me. He wants to stir the feeling of anticipation of his next move.

He wants me to fidget mostly, he likes me to beg. Beg him to stop or leave me alone, he enjoys that more than even the torture he has done. I fight him and he likes it but eventually when I grow tired. Not physically but mentally of battling him that is when he enjoys it most. He moves close. His breath comes down against my bare shoulder and I can feel the coolness from his hand that doesn't touch me but hovers around the roundness of my backside.

"Father is waiting." I turn and tilt my chin to look up the distance between us. Even with heels many inches seperate my head from his.

He responds by putting his arm out and I reluctantly but of course as trained slip my much smaller slender arms through. He pulls my elbow into him and puts his other hand over mine. Squeezing that little bit too hard. Enjoying when he feels the light pop of a finger. A usual sensation that I still cannot get used to. I heal of course as any vampire would. Dustin is most annoyed at the secrecy behind me. He hates that father does not trust him enough to know. One day bringing me home to our London gated property with security that watches my every move. To protect me? Or hold me against my will? Even after ten years I have not decided which.

We arrive at the function room after a silent walk down the corridor and elevator. Two large vampires even taller and broader than Dustin open the double doors.

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