It's time

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I wish things were so simple. I wish i could fall into his arms and have him make it all feel better. Instead I stand rigid waiting for Riley to arrive. Dimitri's eyes don't leave me. My face or the roundness of our growing children. I turn away looking at anything but his face. He looks tired and messy in a way I've never seen him. I want to touch his stubbled cheek. I want to take away the line between his brows of worry but I won't. This soulmate thing is messed up. Creating a person so they have another equal out there to them.

I am not his equal nor is he mine. We do not complete each other. He hurt me in a way Dustin had never been capable. I knew it was coming but rather than run from it i found myself being the one to go to him. To find him so he could give me pleasure in a way I could have only dreamed of.

I remember going to his study and finding him sitting at his desk typing away on his keyboard. His eyes shot to mine the minute I entered. I had been so bold I barely recognised myself. I walked towards him lifting the long t-shirt of his, I was wearing and dropping it to the floor. His eyes had gone savage almost as they would when stalking a prey. He hadn't done as I expected. I thought he would come to me. Instead he had pushed his chair back and pushed his trousers and boxers down to his knees. Sitting in his chair. Fist around his length he had just watched me. Waited no demands or speaking. So I moved towards him. That invisible line pulling me home. I had straddled his lap and sank down onto him. Welcoming him into me in a way that I had found amazing each time. He had let me take the lead until I had seen stars. Then he had taken over, pulling my hair until my back arched right over and I had to brace myself on the desk.

"Princess." Riley walks into the room with a bright smile and a small incline of his head. "You called?"

"Riley why am i here?" I ask looking only at him. He looks towards Dimitri in confusion.

"She doesn't want to hear from me." Dimitri sounds annoyed and hurt all at the same time. I don't turn to look at his face though moving around the bed to be stood near Riley.

"Your father asked us to bring you here Emery. Once Dimitri told him of your pregnancy. Cadence doesn't believe risking your safety or that of the babies is worth having you come home."

O. I hadn't considered the fact that if i went into labour or had a bleed which i read is normal in a pregnancy. A human one anyway many have a small bleed that means nothing. If that had happened in our home full of vampires. I feel myself going pale at the idea of what they would do. Not to me but my babies. Placing protective hands on my bump. I look to Riley again.

"I have been thinking whilst I was gone. I would like to try something Riley."

"What is it princess?"

"I would like to try testing if you can grow an immunity to wanting my blood." I hear Dimitri rapid movement to my side. A growl from his lips. "Dimitri. Riley will play a large part in the life of our children will he not? You are his sire."

"Of course but that doesn't …"

I put a hand up interrupting him. "He would not be able to harm them as they carry your blood but what about me? Should Riley forever be at risk if i ever was hurt that he would kill me?"

They both go silent. I have no idea if this will work. But if we could try maybe it will. That way I can do the same when it comes to my father and the babies. He is my father so he can harm me but I on the other hand would find it difficult to go against an order. Something within us doesn't allow us to do that.

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