am i capable

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Well whatever Riley had to tell Dimitri has kept him busy. Three whole days of busy. I have lunch and dinner with Riley sometimes and others I sit outside or read in the library. How this place can be such a fortress with stone walls that are cold to the touch, yet I find myself being almost cosey here. Getting into a routine. Other than frustration. I am so frustrated now that we've kissed, I want more. I need a damn good orgasm and nothing I am doing has worked. Which sets me on the course for today. Find Dimitri and have him. How much I haven't decided but I want him and that urge isn't getting better or more intensifying.

I workout with Riley which is fun. I can see he was a natural boxer before he had vampire abilities which help him. Enhance everything he already had. The small exchanges I have seen between him and Dimitri show a different side to Dimitri. It's like only Riley can get him to show that side of himself. Having given Dimitri all evening to sort his things I went on the hunt for him. Finding nearly every room empty. Deciding to throw a strop and go outside into the garden to look up at the stars.

To my surprise when my bare feet touch the grass outside I can hear faint and distant words being exchanged. One of them is Dimitri. He doesn't sound happy though. Looking around I focus and head in the direction of them. Two, no three. One of them isn't speaking but is close by. I can smell him. Hear his fingers tapping at the trigger of his gun. I leap into the large tree and thank the ability of being so agile now. Quiet and stealth are needed to get closer. Until finally Dimitri is in my line of sight. Two men pointing a gun at him. Different to any i have seen before and it has strange markings engraved into the metal. 

"Did you come here to talk shit or kill me?" Dimitri says snarling and with a shrug. Not caring for his life at all his hand running over one wrist before returning to their sides.

"Tell us where she is? We are not here to kill you but hurt you." Obviously the man in charge speaks, aiming the gun just to the side of Dimitris heart.

"They are not taking her away. Not again." Not again? So they didn't kill Ali in front of him but took her from him? Strange I just assumed she had died or something drastic in front of him. Not that her being kidnapped isn't painful but he did that to me, yet here i come begging for orgasms. I could roll my eyes at myself but need to focus.

"You have two options Dimitri, you tell us now and we go get her without harm or you tell us after we shoot you. You already know what these bullets are and what they can do. So what do you choose?"

"Just shut up and get on with it already. Tik tok before the sun comes up."

Why is he tormenting them? He honestly wants to get shot. The absolute idiot. I finally am attracted to someone where there is this insane pull between us and he is a psycho. Kidnaps me but then I see his side and feel almost bad for him. Now he is ready to get shot rather than just give me back. Stupid man.

It isn't until I hear the click of the trigger. Dimitri doesn't even attempt to move from the bullet. Everything goes slowly as I see it closing the distance between the barrel of the gun and Dimitri's chest. No. Emotions wanting to take over but i don't stop them. Something in my head tells me to let go. So i do and the white light that blasts from my hands forming a ball that only seems to get bigger as it gets further away. With a precision to my aim I didn't realise I had the light large enough to take out both vampires. Which leaves me to jump down and before my feet hit the ground in front of Dimitri. I feel the bullet hit me in the hip and lodge itself in the bone.

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