Party time

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"What are you doing bossman?" Riley asks, placing Junior back down on the ground to play with the building blocks that Mia is happily sat playing with.

Junior is still bigger than Mia. Chunky, chubby thighs and a round stomach after eating. Mia is more slender but taller, her legs slim but longer. Each time I see them I find my heart expands that bit more. Juniors blonde hair growing slightly faster than Mia's brown tight ringlet curls.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you look absolutely miserable. Even as you fake a smile for their sake." He inclines his head to the babies.

"What do you expect me to do exactly Riley? She doesn't want me there or she would have asked. So instead i am here being a father to our children whilst she …" Has fun. Dresses up in a fancy ball gown and has her hair done perfectly. Whilst she smiles and probably dances with other people. My gut twists in jealousy. "She deserves to have fun."

"Do you know I once told her that she should make the most of every minute. That some things are lost to others like me but when you have a chance at something you take it." He sighs. "I didn't expect to have to have that conversation with you. You are smart enough to take what you want when you want it. You see opportunity when others see failure. You make things work and do it well so it helps those around you. I have seen you bring together rogues and place them in homes so that they can become a clan on your land. Yet you cannot see a way to bring you and her back together?"

"I am giving her time."

"To what? Sit waiting for you to make the first move? Am i wrong to think she was a virgin?" He asks and I snarl at him. "So i am right. Do you really think after the fact she came to you and made moves before. Putting herself out there only to feel like you traded her in for the model you wanted. Do you think she will do it again?"

"You think she has been waiting for me to make the first move?" I turn to look at him and he rolls his eyes, giving me an are you kidding me look.

"Yes. For such a smart guy you really are an idiot."

Could he be right? Has she been waiting for me to make the first move all this time? Wouldn't i know that though if she wanted me to? I've been giving her space and time. She seems so comfortable around me. She hasn't ever questioned staying in our bed every night or me holding her. We sleep in the middle she climbs in on one side but always gets in the middle anticipating the cuddle that will be coming. Have I been an absolute idiot?

"Bossman, that woman loves you. She never stopped and probably never will. If she hasn't yet after everything you've done i don't think she can. Hell she has sure tried when she was away but i've seen you both together. With these pair of munchkins and you are the real deal. These don't happen often." He says running his large hand over Juniors hair who turns to give him a quizzical look. "To have them and a woman you love, who loves you back. Don't let your nerves or ego get in the way. If you take rejection, get back up and try again in a different way. I doubt very much you'll be getting rejected though."

Damn if he isn't right. I've fucked up so many times and thought giving her space was the best thing i could do but what if i was wrong. What if all along she has been waiting for me to make that next move and i could have had her for the past three months.


It all feels very strange. To be back here in London. To have been getting ready in my old room again. Father is happy to have me home of course knowing it is only for the one night. I was surprised to see the guard with the scar. The one with a scar through his eye brow again but when I smiled at him he returned it in kind.

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