She who he wants

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I cannot do it. She can obviously feel the waves of panic washing over me as she stops packing and walks over to me.

"Dimitri we knew this day was coming from the beginning." Her small hand comes to my cheek and I rest my head into it.

The last four days I have spent inside of this woman. Barely apart. I have taken her in every way. Every room. I have walked in the garden in the sun after drinking from her regularly. Only a small amount but enough that I could experience something so amazing with her. Every damn minute has been amazing. She is completely perfect and yet here I am letting her leave to have Ali returned in less than an hour. I don't want it. I want her here but she seems so strong. So ready to go home and how can I blame her.

"You can take everything, I have already told you." I speak before kissing her palm and hating as she pulls it away walking back over to the small bag she has packed with a few items and maybe two tops she really liked.

"It's ok. I have wardrobes full of endless gowns and father will have many evening functions I will need to attend. After so publicly going missing there will be a story and a reunion of course." She zips the bag and I want to open it, tip it all out just to have her that bit longer. Delay any chance she is leaving me.

"Emery i …" I what? She turns and looks up at me, that mermaid blonde hair long and free beautiful curls around her ivory heart shaped face. My chest hurts and I feel like I am losing my mind whilst she seems completely in control of herself. Her gray eyes warm again but showing nothing else.

Will she miss me? Is this hurting her as much as it is me? She is mine and I haven't had enough. I never will have enough of her. I need her with me but I can never move forward without having the door to my past closed. Will Emery be waiting for me when that happens? Probably not. Will her father ever allow me near her? Hell no. But if i have to kidnap her again i will because one thing that has settled in my chest is this little pixie in front of me. Half fairy and vampire, a hybrid vampire is my mate. The person i have been waiting for all my life and i am doing this so i can be the man she deserves. So I can truly apologise for everything and have answers I need. To have a future that only exists with her In it.

"Dimitri. Lets not make this harder on either of us. The time I have spent here has been lovely. Being able to walk freely without two guards at all times. Being able to test powers without a worry about your staff because you sent them all away. My time with you. It has been amazing but it is over. We knew this was coming and I don't regret a minute of it."

I close the gap between us picking her up. Her fingers digging into the pale blue t-shirt I have on. I ordered colours into my wardrobe finally feeling like it was time to stop mourning. Just for her. Her smiles and chuckle when she first saw me in a salmon pink was cute. Until i took it off and chucked it at her then grabbed her, throwing her on the bed and eating her out for half an hour.

"This is not over Emery. This is a beginning we didn't see happening. This is the first chapter in many to come." Please hear what i am so unwilling to say. Incase you don't believe me. In case you still don't trust me which I cannot blame you for.

"We'll see." She smiles but it doesn't meet her eyes and then I move a hand into her soft curls and crush her lips to mine. Savouring her, feeling like it is an eternity before our tongues stop dancing and our lips part.

Please love me. Believe me. Trust me and keep faith I will come for you. My pixie.


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