the kiss

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"Kiss me."

Finally. My heart pounds harder than it ever has before at those two simple words falling from her mouth with a confident tone. She knows that she wants me. She knows I am going to be buried inside of her at some point. Even on some level I respect her decision of holding back. I don't even feel that she is only trying to protect herself but also me. Strange that little pixie feels like she needs to protect me but it sends another shocking and confusing feeling surging through me that she wants to.

Innocent act isn't something I ever thought I would be attracted to. I like women. Even after Ali i haven't been celibate but they are always ready and waiting for me to take them. Hot and needy like myself. Emery is different in every sense of the word. She shocked me the moment she walked into that room. Not only for everything she stirred up inside of me but the way in which she held herself. Her confidence and beauty are so unique in all the years I have walked earth. I have never seen someone like her. So perfect, for me. I hate it. I hate thinking it but it rings so true in my head that denying it has become difficult.

"I will obey your rules pixie. I will only kiss you until you ask for more. But I do not play fair in things I want." I lean almost speaking against her lips and though her eyes are wanting to close in anticipation she looks at me.

"I already know that, I am your captive after all."

With that I close the last gap between us. My lips meeting hers. If I thought the build up might have led to disappointment I was wrong. Her small hands snaking round my shoulders and into the hair at the back of my head. Our lips opened in unison, unable to wait another moment to taste one another and by god when her tongue met mine halfway demanding and gliding against my own. I swallowed the moan from her. Her taste was sweeter than I imagined it could be. My eyes fall closed even as I want to force then open. Afraid if i don't watch her she'll simply disappear.

I angle my head to deepen the kiss as a hand reaches for her ass. She doesn't protest instead lifting and hooking two slender but strong legs around my waist. Fuck. My other hand holds her jaw, my thumb slowly moving back and forth against it. Almost in a sweet tenderness that I didn't know I was capable of. Unlike my tongue that dominates hers now, moving her to my tune and tasting every inch of what she is finally allowing me. There is no tenderness to the way I hold her ass so tightly in my large hand that she would be bruised before healing. No sweet gesture to how forceful her back hits the wall and I push my pelvis forwards so that the thick rod between my legs can push against her.

I have never felt so frenzied. So damn in a moment that nothing mattered. Not revenge. Not half the council being wiped out. She moans into my mouth as I push harder into her silk centre and I bite down on her lower lip. Loving how heavy her breathing seems to be. How her fingers tighten around my hair and pull at the strands almost painfully but fuck if it doesn't make my cock leak.

"I'm going to kiss you. Every inch of you." I say against her cheek before glancing over her mouth again. She growls when I don't welcome the tongue she urges forward. "I'm going to kiss you until you're so wet for me. Your clit so swollen one shift of my cock against it and you'll come apart screaming my name."

God I want it. I want to kiss every inch of her. Sink my teeth into the soft tissue of her neck and breasts, between her thighs just grazing them over her clit before slipping my tongue home. Instead I kiss her jaw and down her neck as she throws her head back arching her back and pushing her hips further into me.

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