a new prison

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Three days and six hours I have managed to not mutter a word when he enters trying to talk to me. I keep away from him as though he carried a plague able to wipe me out. Mostly I do so my body doesn't react to him being close and gives him the satisfaction of it. I'm starving as I have refused everything brought. The blood bags piled in the room make it difficult for my fangs not to remain out and salivating all day and night.

I have stayed in the room pacing, furious. I believe him in his words the place is enchanted which has kept me from exploring. But I am done following his orders. I open the door I know leads into his walk through it trying to think of the things he could do to me. On the four poster bed silk sheets neatly on it and hanging around the top.

Out in the corridor I expect to find myself lost but instead I walk following the scent of fresh flowers and I find myself out in a huge open garden. A large lawn surrounded by dense trees and tens of potted flowers surrounding the exit.

It's beautiful and even though it is day time I look around to see if anyone is watching me and find myself completely alone. I walk onto the lawn and lay down basking in the sun. In a way no other vampire could enjoy, but I can. Dimitri could come and take me back inside but it would hurt him.


"So you say you have a handle on the situation, why is it that your prisoner is going to starve herself to a hollow corpse of a vamp before you even declare you have her?" Riley speaks as we work out together. I sired him after finding him on the brink of death. He was in his early 40's so most wouldn't have seen the potential in a thug but I did.

"I've told you i am handling it." Funny that, because I am not. Each day I try to talk to her. I try to be close to her not only to make her damn well eat but because my body aches with the need to just have her close again. Her cheeks have hollowed out and her eyes are sunken. She looks even paler though i wouldn't have believed it possible.

"Yeah because you seem to be doing so great. Has the little princess gotten under your skin? Must admit I've seen the photos and she is a beauty."

I growl and try to land a punch that he easily dodges. I don't want him looking at her mind at the idea of him thinking about how beautiful she is. Even as she is now. To thin only because I know what she was when I first saw her. Gone is the need in her eyes replaced by hurt and anger.

"O she got right to you ain't she boss man."

He jokes and I continue to try land blows but the agile bugger keeps moving about.

"That sweet mouth driving you as insane as it is m…."

Smack. I managed to land the punch and he got up with a smile and began the whole routine again.

"Enough Riley. Do not speak of her like that."

"Why because you have so much respect for her? Come off it. I told you we could find another way. Maybe just murder the pair of them but you where intent on taking her. Even when i could find no reason to bring someone innocent into this shit."

I grind my teeth. "She is the only way to make them feel what I did. With that Cadence is distracted. Taking her in such a public place he has set the alarms off already. The hotel is still in lock down. He is refusing to allow anyone to leave."

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