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when george did get home he was greet by alex smacking him across the head before pulling him into a tight hug, he had been crying from what it looked like. "fuckin' idiot, answer yer' phone, if you ever run off like that again 'm killing you" alex said along with a string of other words and insult that george really couldn't catch. he thanked will for finding him and offered him the couch for the night, which will refused and ended up going home.

george spent the next few days mending things with james, first buying him a fruit arrangement, then some new guitar strings, figuring the boy could use them eventually. james forgave him - of course - but still george knew he'd spend awhile being extra nice to him to make up for being a dickhead.

"really mate, stop being so weird around me it's fine, i know you're dealing with some stuff and when you're confused and scared you become hateful, i was their once" james had finally said after george had practically demanded that james let him buy their takeout "okay... hows this, i'll forgive you and we can forget about this whole thing, if you allow yourself to actually think about this and stop avoiding it"

they had been hanging out at geroge's and alex's flat playing fifa, he had probably been making james feel uncomfortable with his overly nice attitude, now george was the one who felt uncomfortable. he didn't want to think about it, he had just forced himself to be okay around will alone again, what if thinking about it ruined that? he met james' eyes and sighed his shoulder slumping a bit, he knew he needed to bite the issue eventually, but he figured that would be on his death bed.

"fine..." george grumbled "dickhead"

james laughed "there's the george i love"

"shut up james" he rolled his eyes.

and george decided to keep good on his word with that, maybe it was finally time to figure himself out, panic attacks, sleepless night, and all. he did have alex to talk to, so he had that going for him. this was going to take a few weeks, if not longer.


will was headed up to his flat, just getting over that rough couple of weeks when he was pretty sure he had fucked up his friendship with george. will honestly didn't know why he had been so clingy to the boy, he always had been... maybe it was because george never seemed to care before now. hugs, small touches, wrapping his arm around him when they watched movies together, falling asleep in his bed while he edited a video and they chatted, small things, george never seemed to mind him doing any of that. so will was scared he had crossed a line, he had been crying over it, thinking he had lost his best friend, someone who he wanted to be with till death fate allowed, but his thoughts were silenced when george had told him they were good when he had found him at the park nearly a month ago now. still he felt like george was off, he knew the boy didn't like to open up, but he wished he would talk to him about this stuff, but at least he had his best friend back, hopefully he would open up when he was ready.

it seemed like he was ready to open recently as he got text from him asking to talk later that night, of course will agreed fully ready to listen to whatever george had to tell him. he rounded the corner looking up from his phone, but not soon enough as he bumped into someone, a loud thud hit his ears as soon as he did. will looked to see he had ran into curly black haired women, a sweater on that had to be three sizes too big for her, cute little space buns spun at the top of her head. he looked down realizing he made her drop her boxes she was carrying, luckily the contents hadn't spilled out and it didn't sound like will he broken anything.

"shit - sorry" he quickly bent down to pick up the box he made her drop "i should of been watching where i was going"

"yeah, but i won't hold it against you" he voice made a shudder run through him, he stood up and finally got a look at her face.

Wish I Were Heather; w.l × g.m  ✓Where stories live. Discover now