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[notes] we're gonna pretend like i didn't forget yesterday was monday and because of that i for got to post a chapter.


will found himself talking to heather a lot more, they texted and hung out - usually at her place - watched stupid shows together, talked about nearly everything under the sun. the northern felt like he had lucked out with this girl, sexy, smart, funny and over all just amazing, he kept waiting for a catch but there didn't seem to be one, she over all was just an absolute angel, and she was into him of all people! he was one lucky bastard. he needed one more thing of her before he wanted to make it official, he wanted to see how she got on with his mates. mostly the eboys. it felt important that they get along, he knew how messy i could get when you're significant other didn't get along with you're friends.

"tell me about your friends since you want me to meet them so badly" heather said while getting them some drinks from the fridge "i need an edge on them, so i can impress them"

will chuckled and shrugged "well there's alex, he can be a bit of a tough crowd, but if you talk gucci with him i'm sure he'll fall into your lovely little trap" he joked "really he's just a nerd, star wars, he has like two swords i think?"

"real ones?" she perked up at that.

he nodded smiling "oh no, now i'm having second thoughts about us bein' a thing" he teased her, she rolled her eyes and playfully nudged him handing him his drink as she sat back down next to him on the couch "then theirs james, he's gonna be easiest honestly, mainly because 'es the nicest... but guitars and honestly music and general are good topic of discussion if ya can't find anything else to talk about, he writes music" he took a drink of the glass in his hand.

heather nodded "and will george be at this little get together"

will looked at her and raised an eyebrow "uh... ya'"

she laughed softly "just... you talk about hanging out with him a lot, so i'm curious about him, you two are obviously close"

"ah" he nodded thinking for a moment "yeah he's my best mate... honestly don't know what i'd do without him" he said "early last year i had this really bad break up... george ended up commin' 'round to mine and making sure i was taking care of myself" he paused the moment, almost feeling like he was transported to laying in his bed, too sad to get up, the bed dipping beside him and george forcing him to eat and drink something, george laying down in bed with him, listening to him cry and complain, the male comforting him and bringing him back to being himself again, slowly but surly "he had hung around my place fer' nearly two months getting me back to myself... he's jus' so amazing, he's funny in the stupidest ways sometimes, and he's really interesting, he knows all these little facts about random stuff... and despite popular belief he is quite smart" a small smile stayed on wills face as he talked, he hadn't even realized he was still talking "god... he's just..." he trailed off for a moment, realizing he had been rambling.

"just?" heather encouraged with a gentle smile.

"s'just... my best friend" will said taking a drink from his glass again, giving a sheepish chuckle, he felt a little odd about rambling about george to heather like that, but she didn't seem to mind.

"that's adorable, will" she smiled a him reached over and cupping his cheek "really i'm glad you have someone like that in you're life, and its nice to a man who doesn't mind showing his love for his friends"

he chuckled softly and shrugged "guess 'm just built different" he joked, earning a small playful tap on his cheek from her and giggle before retracting her hand from the boy, george linger in his mind a little too long afterwards though "anyway i'm sure they'll love you" will reassured.

Wish I Were Heather; w.l × g.m  ✓Where stories live. Discover now