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whatever soap opera their friend group had fallen into would have to be paused for tonight, it was about heather and her celebration, not about them and their weird drama lately. george he second thoughts about going, but he knew if he made alex and james go without him, he would never here the end of it, so he made himself look semi decent for the party, actually doing his hair instead of throwing a hat over it. james gave a whistle as they met up with him to catch a ride share to the place.

"you both clean up well" he smirked.

"not so bad you're self marriot" george shot back, he figured the presents of alcohol, and comfortable people would help him through tonight.

the ride to the bar that heather rented out for her friends was, pretty short, arguably george figured they could of walked but he supposed alex and james would of complained the whole few blocks about him making them do that, so the ride was easier. the bar wasn't to fancy, but fancy enough to be on the second floor above an actual club that was shut for the night, meaning they could pump music as loud as they wanted. george managed to find his escape routs for whenever he needed that night, their were two balconies to sit and smoke on, so he could find breathers out there if he wanted. when they got there the music was already going, and people were already drinking, there was a lot more then george expected but he couldn't complain, more people meant easier to hide.

heather greeted them with hug before being whisked away by one of her friends to do shots. will managed to find his way over to them to greet them as well.

"heather's popular" alex said over the music.

"yeah, not to surprising, the little ray of sun shine she is" will laughed "common boys lets get you's some drinks"

he lead them to bar area, and the boys ordered, they pretty quickly got separated... or at least george got separated from them, he stayed at the bar, one drink in wasn't near enough to get him to pull out any sort of dance moves. however some girl pulled him into doing several shots with her before mumbling something about finding her boyfriend, so the night still had promise to see george out on that floor.

he didn't think he had ever done shots with so many strangers before but he was at least far enough gone to warrant him dancing alone near the bar, he jumped spilling his drink as a pair of hands grabbed his waist, steadying him a bit as he was pulled into someones body.

"come dance with me" george relaxed a bit when he heard james' gruff voice in his ear, he felt like he had never heard the boy take that tone before, however he couldn't think on it to long because soon he was being pulled to the dance floor by his arm.

george pouted a bit as his drink was left on the bar, hopefully to be collected by the bartender and washed up. however he couldn't think long about that because james started swaying their hips together, he allowed it, though he had never danced like this before, sure he had grinded with girls while trying to keep his drink from being knocked out of his hand, but he had never been the one grinding against a man. he closed his eyes, him and james' bodies pressed together, when he opened his eyes he saw alex first, staring at them, doing the same thing with his own guy but keeping his eye trailed on them - more james. that probably would been the only person george had noticed if it weren't for the feeling of eyes burning into him, he followed that feeling, locking eyes with will.

will was with heather, they were swaying together, he pressing the occasional kiss to her neck as he held her body in a similar way that james was holding him. suddenly george felt under pressure, he pushed his body closer to james almost like he was putting on a show for will, he felt james press a kiss to his neck and he let him tilting his neck but keeping his eyes locked with will. he tilted back so his head rested on james chest, allowing his eyes to close, he didn't know what he was doing, why he was doing it, will didn't care, he knew he didn't and yet that knowledge didn't stop him. he could still feel the males eyes on him, everything felt ten times more intense, he felt like any moment he could drowned under wills intense gaze.

Wish I Were Heather; w.l × g.m  ✓Where stories live. Discover now