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the walk home was a little tense, will still felt like there was a bunch of unresolved stuff left between him and george, but he didn't want to bring it up and make the younger uncomfortable. will supposed he would feel uncomfortable in georges shoes to, he comes out and suddenly one of his best friends is acting weird around him. they got to the split off in the side walk where they would go their own ways and paused, will looked over at george and gave a small smile, the tension the wrapped around them still evident, it made will even wonder if they had made up.

"see you next film day?" will asked.

george paused a moment before nodding a bit "yeah... next film day"

they both nodded at one another but didn't move from their spots, george was the first to step back slowly before turning around to walk, will followed suit going in his own direction and walking to his apartment. he threw himself on his couch when he got in and groaned. when did things become some complicated? gee peeked out of her room and raised an eyebrow at will faced down on the couch.

"where were you?" she asked walking out.

will brought his head up and looked in her direction before sitting up "jus' the park, i didn't wake you did i?" he glanced at his watch seeing it was only ten, it felt way later then that.

gee only shook her head and looked at him as if she expected something "well?"

"well what?"

"you've been act weird these past could weeks, i'm worried"

will shrugged a bit slumping in his seat as gee joined him on the couch, he tilted his head back looking at the ceiling. he wished he could say he felt guilty because he technically cheated on heather, but he just felt bad because of george... did he feel bad? he really didn't feel bad for doing it, even now in a sober state what he did felt right, when it replayed in his memory he only wished he had done more, and that thought scared him for more reasons then just one. he shouldn't be thinking about his best mate this way, he shouldn't be thinking about anyone but heather this way, and yet he couldn't stop.

"at heather's party i gave george a hickey" he blurted out, the words coming quick before he could stop himself from getting it off his chest.

silence. he was scared to look at gee, scared of the judgement her look would provide - after all she got along with heather, they hung out, she wouldn't be happy that will cheated on her... technically, was giving someone a hickey technically cheating? ... probably.

"will what the fuck?" her voice finally broke the silence and will didn't need to look at her to know she was glaring daggers at him.

will felt his eyes water a bit, not because of the guilt, or the disappointment he could feel radiating off of gee, but the overwhelming feelings that seemed to be catching up with him at light speed. it was over stimulating, it was too much for will handle. a few tears escaped his eyes.

"i'm not going to feel bad for you will, you're the one who cheated" gee said.

will shook his head as he lifted his head, pulling his feet on the couch and knees to his chest, he had never felt so small before "no..." he croaked out, attempting to control his emotions with deep breaths so he didn't end up full out sobbing "no, i'm so fuckin' confused gee"

he could feel gees look soften on him and he finally looked over at her, more a look confusion written on her features now "what do you mean?"

"i should feel guilty about heather... right?"

gee gave a nod.

"i don't... i jus' feel bad about george... s'all i can think about... george has taken over my head"

Wish I Were Heather; w.l × g.m  ✓Where stories live. Discover now