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alex was absolutely pissed at will for leaving george to go out with some random girl he just met, george had spent so long even gathering the courage to admit his sexuality to himself. will was going to be the first person the boy came out too and of course that was when will decided to be a shit friend and just ditch last minute on his planes to talk with george. what a fucking prick. alex had spent the whole night with george, sleeping on his chest while the boy held him tightly, honestly he was getting use to sleeping with the older male, seeing as george through out all this had crawled into his bed several times and clung onto him like his life depended on it - alex didn't mind, it was nice to feel needed by his friend, took his mind off any personal problems he had through out the month.

alex had woken up before george, and managed to sneak out of the bed to go to the bathroom and crawl right back in without the male waking. he scrolled through his phone silently, texting friends, listening to tik toks on the lowest volume he could so george wouldn't be woken from his peaceful sleep. just like he said he would, he stayed with george, head laid on his chest while the other arms wrapped around him. eventually he heard someone let themselves into their flat, soft sound of footsteps on the wood floor coming closer to george's bedroom door. alex wondered silently who it could be, he had heard a key be used so it had to be one of the boys.

the door opened without even a knock and will stood with a goofy smile on his face as he looked down at his phone, when he looked back up he met a - rather startling - glare from alex. the younger felt like punching him, he knew how much george was hurt by the action, even more so that he liked the stupid northerner.

"eh! when did you and george start sleeping together?" will joked with a soft voice trying to lighten to obviously tense mood, alex wasn't having it.

"go wait out in the living room will, don't want you waking george" he waved the boy off, still glaring daggers at the confused man.

once will was out of the room, alex gently nudged george who groaned and tightened his grip on him, the younger sat up out of the boys arm making him slightly open his eyes. alex quickly pet the boys hair, looking down at him with a soft, caring smile.

"hey... go back t' sleep george, i have to go deal with somethin'" he said, a lot more caring of tone then what he took with will a second ago, trying hard to not let any misguided annoyance come out toward george.

"you comin' back after?" george sniffed a bit, fighting to stop his eyes from shutting.

"'course" alex nodded getting off the bed.

george nodded and turned curling into himself and falling back a sleep nearly right away. poor thing, emotions really did drain george sometimes. alex left the room shutting the door, he walked into the living room to see will scrolling through his phone as he sat on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. he grabbed a stray magazine from the tv stand and rolled it up in his hand, giving a swift smack to the side of wills head with it before he could even look up at him.

"ow! what the fuck alex?!" will said, still trying to keep his voice down for georges sake, he glare up at the boy having dropped his phone into his lap, he rubbed the side of his head.

"you're such a prick lenney" alex said "y'know george really needed to talk to you last night and you just ditch for some hussy you picked up an hour before - what the fuck is wrong with you mate? were you dropped on yer' fucking head or somthin'?" he kept his voice as steady and quite as it could be, he didn't want george to know he was scolding will "i mean seriously, do you treat all yer' friends like this? or just george 'cause you know he won't complain?!" he crossed his arms, keeping the magazine clutched tightly in his hand, ready to batter the northern again if he had to.

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