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lucky for george his head didn't hurt to much the next day, unlucky for him he still remembered everything, he would of taken the worst hangover over remembering what happened the last night. alex wasn't in bed with him when he opened his eyes, so - instead of wallowing like he wanted too - he got up as quickly as his body would allow him too, and wondered out to the kitchen to see the younger boy resting his head on the counter, a cup of coffee rested in front of him.

"how do you feel?" george asked cautiously, worried the boy might start crying again, it was too early to deal with sad alex, especially when george wasn't feeling the best either.


"mentally or physically?"

"yes" alex lifted his head a bit to look at him giving a sad smile before lifting it fully "jesus mate, what happened to yer' neck?"

george sighed pouring himself some coffee and sitting down across from where alex was standing, he didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to talk about how will shoved him up against the wall last night and marked him like he was his to mark, or how he could still feel the push of his finger tips against his hips, or how he could almost smell the rum mixed with tobacco filling the air around him, how he almost suffocated on will alone.

"james did this" he touched the other side of his neck, the one with the lesser bruise, running his finger tips over it as he remembered james biting into him, it was faint memory, almost like he was watching it happen rather then it happened to him, nothing like his memories with will, though he craved the numb feeling of nothingness that came with remembering what james did to him, how they used one another - james liked alex back, a blind person could see that. he looked up to see alex wince, he reached over the touched the boy hands to comfort him, he knew it wasn't pleasant watching someone else with the person you love, but it meant nothing.

"and the other?"

george took a drink, not daring to touch the other mark on his neck, fearing what it would do to his already shattered heart. dickhead, wills a dickhead. he felt bad for heather, he hated her all over again, because he got a taste of what it would be like with will, just a sample paragraph in their book... and unlike he thought he wasn't satisfied just... hurt. "will"

silence. tense, thick silence fell upon the apartment, even the sound of their upstairs neighbors getting ready for their day was muffled but the thick blanket that fell over them, trapping george in that tense moment as alex took in the bombshell just dropped on him.

"i - ... i'm sorry... what?!" alex asked whatever problems he had with james suddenly out the window because this was defiantly bigger.

george shrugged and took another sip of coffee "went out to the balcony for some air and he was out smoking... we talked... sort of? i don't know if you could even call it talking, then he..." the shorter trailed off gripping the coffee mug, tears pricking the corners of his eyes, he squeezed them shut shaking his head.

alex's hand gripped him as he moved around the counter and quickly wrapped his arms around george, alex was as confused as him to why will had done that, alcohol maybe? but even then will was faithful even at his drunkest of moments and alex would of hardly called him drunk last night, a little past buzzed but not anywhere near drunk enough to warrant any of this. as much as george didn't want to cry he found himself clinging on to alex and sobbing, every little emotion he had been holding in for the past few months or so coming out in harsh broken sobs, alex just stroked his hair and allowed the boy's tears to soaked through his shirt, it took his mind off the fact that james had been blowing up his phone all morning, forcing him to turn it off.

Wish I Were Heather; w.l × g.m  ✓Where stories live. Discover now