Chapter 1.

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"Come on, Janelle! I almost had it! I was getting warmed up!" Zack exclaimed as I deleted the training course. I sighed as Angeal handed him his broken sword.

"We won't always be here to save you, Zack. You have to be aware of everything around you, including your opponent."

He ripped the training goggles off his head & snatched his sword from Angeal & sighed.

"I almost had him! You didn't let me finish!"

"& let you get killed on our watch? Right on." I rolled my eyes & shook my head.

"Training is done today, Zack. Go back to studying & we will meet here tomorrow morning at 9AM to train again" Angeal said clearly, writing down Zack's performance & scores. Zack sighed & left the training area.

"Seems like someone was in a bad mood..." I know that deep, calming voice anywhere...


He was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, looking over in our direction.

"Not my problem he can't focus" i piped up as i swing my katana on my back.

"He's a puppy, Janelle. What do you expect? His attention span is a size of a pea-"

"If he wants to be 1st Class then he needs discipline & focus." I shot Angeal a serious look as I walked towards the door where Sephiroth was.

"If he is your "puppy" then training him. Or i will talk to Lazard myself to have Zack be put elsewhere"

"No no no. That wont be necessary... I will handle it.." Angeal said as walked towards us with head lowered & a stern look on his face. "So... Food?"

"Uh... Yes please. Im starving! The cafeteria or elsewhere? Ill need to change if we are leaving.."

"I think you look great the way you are" Sephiroth said without looking at me. I blushed a small shade of pink.

Here me out, I've been at Shinra for 8 years. Sephiroth was my mentor when i got here. All i knew was him. Until he introduced me to Angeal & Genesis. I always thought of Sephiroth as a wonderful human being. He would do anything to protect who he cares for & what he believed in. Plus he's beautiful. His hair was better than mine. So rude. However, the other only person i knew was my brother, Cloud.

Cloud really looked up to Sephiroth. But something about Cloud set Sephiroth off. I don't know what it was. Cloud loved to bring the mean side of Sephiroth out though. I always told him that wasn't the smartest thing to do when Cloud was only an infantryman. He never made SOLDIER due to his stress disorder. But at least he was somewhat part of it. 

"Ew. They're making chili again..."

"Im guessing we are going out..."

"Yup. I am NOT eating that stuff. It looked like it would eat me more than i would eat it..." Angeal exclaimed & made gagging sounds. Sephiroth smirked & laughed a little.

"& where does the lady want to eat? Or what is she craving?"


"What about that fancy pub down in Midgar for the lovely goddess?"

We turn around & see Genesis strolling up with LOVELESS in hand. I rolled my eyes.

"Id rather go to the steakhouse I in Midgar. Thanks."

"When are you going to stop reading that damn book?" Sephiroth questioned

"You're just jealous i have words that can make any woman melt in my hands" Genesis made a fist in front of Sephiroth's face, acting like there was butter in it.

"Ooooohhh ohohoh i beg to differ. Anyways. Im going to go change. Ill meet you guys at the enterance in 30 minutes." I turned on my heels as i felt eyes watching me. I glanced behind me as i see Sephiroth watching every move & Genesis glaring at me like I smashed his ego.. I smirked. Dinner is going to be fun...

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