Chapter 7.

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I let go of Sephiroth's hand & walked down the mountain.

I was raged.

I was sick.

I was angry.

"Hey! Do we have any new information?" Zack asked. I glared at him. I grabbed his neck, squeezing it tightly. I threw him out of my walking path. I walked on.

He rubbed his neck, breathing heavy.
"What the hell is her deal?!" He looked at Sephiroth who didn't return the glance.

"Return to Shinra. Mission is complete." Sephiroth spoke coldly. Sephiroth followed my path.

"But what about you gu-"

"Do as you're told."

We disappeared into the distance.


It was completely silent as we walked along the path that lead to my destination.

Shinra Manor

The tall concrete walls & brass gate was covered in vines that had thorns all over it. I stared at the manor for a moment while I closed my eyes. The cold air hit my skin softly creating goosebumps.

I heard leaves being crushed underneath the boots that were owned by Sephiroth. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist & squeezed.

"We need answers."

"Hojo is back at Shinra." Sephiroth said in a matter-a-fact manner.

"His books are here.. But the gate is locked.." I skimmed the wall.. Looking for a way up.

"You know I can cut straight through the wall." His masamune appeared behind him.

"You don't need to show off every time we are together. You already have me." I flirted, trying to lighten the mood. Sephiroth smirked, watching me. I backed up a bit & ran up the wall, landing on my feet on the other side. I turned around & looked at him through the gate.

"Back up." Sephiroth moved to the side as i casted fire materia on the gate. It explode. Sephiroth walked through towards me.


"Thanks." I looked up at the manor & sighed. I had a pit in my stomach.

"Janelle.. I promise. No matter what I will always be here. We have to do this."

"Our lives were a lie."

"You don't know that"

"But I do. I can feel it radiating from that door. I'm scared. I don't want to go in there & to be proven wrong. That the life we lived was a lie. That my mom isn't my mom. That Cloud isn't actually my brother. & he even KNEW about it!" I cried. I started to get angry again.

Sephiroth brought me to his chest & let me cry. He lifted my chin up so I was looking up at him. His cyan eyes. His cat eye pupils looking straight into mine. His face was soft. But angry. His eyes said so many stories that i couldn't make out. He ran his thumb lightly over my lips. I held my breath.

"I should've done this years ago.." He whispered. He leaned down & kissed me lightly. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his long silver locks. One of his hands were at the small of back & the other was on my neck. The kiss released. He laid his forehead in mine.

"Like I always have; I love you, Janelle. No matter what happens. No matter what we find in that library, i will still be here. We have to protect this planet from these inferior dullards. I would do anything for you." My breathing was labored.

"I love you too.." I turned back around & headed towards the front door of the mansion.

"Lets do this."


The manor was vacant.

There was dust, books, decaying furniture & insects all over. All we heard was our footsteps echo within the walls of this place.

"This places gives me the creeps."

Sephiroth opened a cellar like door to the basement. He let me first. He turned on a light that had to be ancient. He blew the dust off it as I looked around at some books.


"A life form in a state of suspended animation, excavated from a 2000 year old stratum.. Professor Gast named this life form Jenova." He read out loud.

Sephoroth was pacing across the library reading a textbook while I trying to do scientific math fractions at the desk about Jenova cells. I threw the pen on the desk & rubbed my temples. I stood up & stretched. I looked over at Sephiroth. He found something.

"Date: X/X/XX - Jenova verified as an Ancient... Date: X/X/XX Jenova Project approved... Mako Reactor 1 authorized for use.." I walked over to Sephiroth & glanced over his shoulder to read was he was reading to me. I was starting to feel hot.

He started to pace again. Up & down the hall & around the room. He was getting upset. I kept my distance.

"My mother's name, Jenova...
The Jenova Project..." He looked at me with tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"Could this be a coincidence?"

My heart broke. The strongest man on this planet is broken.

His best friend broke him. He was used as a war machine. He was used as a muscle. He was used as protection. He was used as a science project. He wasnt loved. He wasnt cared for. He was in pain. I walked up to him & hugged him close to me as tightly as i could.

"Sephiroth, you are human. You shed blood. You shed tears. You feel human emotion... I absolutely love you with every ounce of my life. I will do anything for you... If this is true, then its true for me.... I am Jenova. We will fight for our planet."

"Why didn't they tell us.."

"I don't know, my love... We will get out revenge.."

Sephiroth stared at me.

"Let's start now." He grabbed my hand & we left the manor to go back to the village.


I looked at the house I once grew up in. I had no memories left in my head. They were clouded by anger & betrayal. Sephiroth went inside & did what he had to do. I turned around so I saw no evil. I left so heard no evil. I went into town & it was quiet. Not a soul was out. I smirked. I heard a blood curdling scream from behind me. I knew the deed was done. That was the signal. I dragged my katana behind me as the tip of it was lit with fire. It lit every structure on fire that I walked passed. I levitated up & landed on a flat plateau where Sephiroth was. We watched Nibelhiem burn to nothing. People screaming. People were dying. I smirked. I was satisfied.

"Did you kill her." I said flatly.

"Yes." He smiled as he watched people run & scream.. Die.

I closed my eyes. I focused & a black wing appeared on my right shoulder. Sephiroth looked at me & smiled. He let his free as well.

"We best get to Shinra." Sephiroth stated.

"We need to act like we didn't do anything."

"That's going to be hard after this happened."

"Let them find out then. They need to pay for what they've done" I said through my teeth. We jumped up into the sky & flew towards Shinra.

I'm coming for you.... Cloud.

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