Chapter 2.

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I made it back to my apartment.
It was decorated just the way I liked it. Light gray paint with dark purple curtains. Have my own personal kitchen & balcony as well.
I took off my uniform, locking my weapons into my safe that needs my thumbprint. I went over to my closet & chose to wear a simple fall outfit.

I pulled my hair down from my ponytail I had & let my long hair fall down back. I curled the ends a little to make myself look a bit more presentable other than what I always look like. I looked in the mirror, added a little winged liner, mascara & a bit of tinted lip balm.
I grabbed my 2 pocket knives, & my double barrel revolver putting it underneath my sweater. I checked myself out in the mirror, my eyes glowed a cyan color.. I mean, they always were this color. But something was...different. They were brighter. I shook my head, grabbed my handbag & locked the door behind me.

"Took you long enough..."

"Shut up, Angeal. I told you 30 minutes" I rolled my eyes & putting my hand on my hip, popping it. He chuckled.

"So shall we get go-"

"Janelle!" I turned around & see Cloud. I looked over at Sephiroth who also changed his clothing as well. To black jeans that fit to him, & a vneck long sleeve shirt that fit to his body & showed off his broad shoulders & muscles. He smelt as good as he looked. But he looked annoyed... I put my hand on his arm.
"I'll only be a minute. I'll meet you guys outside, yeah?" I watched the guys walk out, but noticed Genesis had a weird smirk on his face.. I let it roll off my back & looked at Cloud.

"Hey Cloud.."

"Where are you going with...them" he said plainly. He scratched the back of his head & looked down.

"Something tells me your bothered."  I took a deep breath & held it.

"Janelle... You know how I feel about them... Especially Sephiroth. Something in his eyes tells me nothing good."

"I can take care of myself. Sephiroth is no threat to me or anyone for that matter.." I started to feel a pain in my head. I groan & grab a hold of my head. Cloud went into frantic mode holding onto my side & my arm so i don't fall.

"JANELLE! Janelle are you okay? What's wrong?!" His worrying brought commotion to the area. Everyone gathered around us like it was entertainment. I shook my head & pushed Cloud off me.

"As you were, you buzzards." I hissed. Everyone scurried away scared. I glared at Cloud grabbing his arm with a tight grip. He winced looking at, falling to his knees.

"Don't EVER do that again nor bring crowds around me.."

"Janelle i was just-"

"I dont care. I can handle myself & take care of myself. I have been doing that since mom kicked me out & made you her favorite. Do me a favor & leave me alone." I let go of his arm & walked outside, not looking back. Sephiroth looked over at me, who was leaning against the wall with his arm crossed. Eyes expressing concern. Angeal looked at me shocked. I knew he saw everything through the glass doors.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine. Can we go?" I walked ahead of the guys towards the steakhouse. No one said a word to each other. All 3 guys walked behind me. Didnt dare try to speak to me.

Once we got to the steakhouse we got a booth. The waitress was extra friendly with the guys. Genesis loved the attention. What did you expect?  Hes a narcissistic, self absorbed prick. But i dealt with him for Sephiroth's sake. Sephiroth brushed off the waitress's flirting attempts. It wasn't a surprise. He wasn't much of a people person. He definitely pulled attention from women & kids. He took some pictures with kids & families. I watched him & smiled. Although he was uncomfortable, he still did it for them. He was a hero anyway.
Angeal on the other hand was so stuck in the menu. He was hungry. He didnt notice anything around him except the biscuits & butter on the table that he ate not leaving anything for us & ordered his food.

"Hungry much?" Sephiroth questioned while looking at Angeal who took the last biscuit from the basket.

"Uh sure.." Stuffing the biscuit in his mouth.

"So.... Did you tell her yet?" Genesis looked at Sephiroth with a smirk

"Tell who what?" I looked at both of them with questioning looks. Sephiroth glared at Genesis.


Genesis glanced at me. That smartass smirk again..

"I found something in Nibelhiem on our last mission there. I told Sephiroth about it. But it seems he has neglected to tell you... So sad"

"HERE'S YOUR FOOD HEROES OF MIDGAR. ON THE HOUSE!" The restaurant manager chimmed & 2 waitresses handed us our food & drinks. They bowed & left us to eat. I suddenly, wasn't hungry.

"What was in Nibelhiem that is being hidden from me?" I looked at Sephiroth who neither touched his food. He just glared at Genesis.


"We found something that Professor Hojo was hiding.."

I took a deep breath.. I didn't like where this was going. I suddenly had the pain in my head like earlier with Cloud. But much worse. My eyes rolled to the back of head & I blacked out.

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