Chapter 3.

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I woke up the next day in a blur. I got up out of my bed slowly, my body ached everywhere. Luckily it was my day off today. I was still wearing my clothes from last night's dinner. I grabbed a simple pair of jeans & a sweater from my dresser going to the bathroom. I start the shower & jump in. I just stand underneath the hot water, letting it hit my body for a few minutes before i starts to wash & jump out. I wrap a towel around my body & look in the mirror. Dark circles, overtired. Pale, not well. Eyes, pulsing cyan glow. I sighed doing my makeup to cover my flaws just brushed my hair letting it fall down my shoulders, & pulling my clothes on. I walk out to my kitchen being startled to see my brother, Cloud sitting at my dining table, staring at his coffee cup.

"Do you just barge into people's houses or?" I walked over to the cabinet & took out my favorite cat mug.

He didn't look at me. He just held up a key. Right, i gave him a copy for emergencies.

"Angeal called me last night telling me you passed out at dinner."

I sighed & bit my lip. I leaned against the counter & took a sip of my coffee.

"Surprising Sephiroth didnt call you."

"Janelle this is serious. What happened?"

"Im serious too." I put my coffee cup on the counter putting my pocket knives in my back pocket. Cloud stood up & walked over to me.

"Why did you pass out? Its all over Shinra News that a 1st Class SOLDIER passed out at the steakhouse last night. Well.. That & Sephiroth knocking out a reporter that wouldn't move out of the way. Shocking."

"I have nothing to tell you because I don't know. At least I'm safe & home, okay?"

"Janelle something is off. Why wont don't go see Prof. Hojo? He can do some tests.. Your eyes look extra mako-ey.." I shuttered. I hated that man. Anything & everything about him. He didn't know a single thing about medicine or Mako Energy if it was sitting in front of him.

"That disgraceful & brainless man? No thank you. My eyes are fine." I grabbed my book from my coffee table & notebook. As I swung my book bag over my shoulder i felt Cloud grab my arm making me look at him. He starred at me. Hard. Serious. More serious than he has ever looked.

"Janelle. Don't go to Nibelhiem. It's not worth it."


"Lock the door on your way out." I wanked my arm from him & walked out the front door.


I walked through the doors of the library of Shinra. I felt eyes on me right when the doors closed. Bunch of 2nd & 3rd class SOLDIERs. Stared at me like I was absolute royalty. I rolled my eyes & walked through another set of doors to a study that has a desk, laptop, & charging pad. I lay my books & bag down & set everything out. I walk back out to the library & grabbed 5 big historical & scientific books. I get to work.

~When was Nibelhiem considered a Village?~

~What is Mako Energy?~

~What year did Professor Hojo start his career with Shinra?~

My brain was in overdrive. I threw my pen on my notebook & rub my temples.

"I knew I'd find you here"

I turn around startled with my hand on my knife. Only to see Genesis leaning against the wall.

"I could've killed you! Thanks for a warning!"

"Why didn't you protect your honor?"

"Didn't think I had to in this place." I stood up straight & took a deep breath. "Can I help you?"

"Noticed what I expressed last night intrigued you.." He smirked lifting his head to look at me. I looked down at my books. One labeled plainly as SHINRA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY.

"Your point?"

"Why don't you go up there & check it out?"


"I overheard Lazard & President Shinra talking about a mission to Nibelhiem for a Mako Reactor incident. You're on the list to check it out.. Why don't you go? I mean... The Goddess does DESERVE to see where she came from..." I rolled my eyes.

"Will you shut up with the goddess bullshit? Its annoying!" I gather my things & begin to leave. But Genesis reaches across the doorframe blocking me to leave. His face is 4 inches from mine. I can feel his hot breath on my face.. I hold my breath.  He look at me with a smooth flirtatious look & whispered as softly as he could in my ear "My friend, your desire... Is the bringer of life, the gift of the Goddess.." & I turn around to look at him & he disappeared... All I saw was his favorite book LOVELESS left on the desk. I sighed & left the room.

Where did he go?

What is with this Goddess thing?

Should I go to Niebelhiem...

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