Chapter 17.

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*Cloud's POV*
We walked around Sector 5 Slums in a blur. The woman that woke me up from that Janelle Nightmare was leading me on a tour to help some kids that saw a weird guy in their play area.

After we saved a few kids that were stuck in the middle of the water, we walked back to their play area.

"That was so cool! I wanna be just like you, Cloud! You we.t hi yeah! & a hoo yeah!" The little boy said. He looked at me with a proud smile. We kept walking.

I got that shot of pain in my head again. I looked forward & saw Tifa as a little girl... I shook my head.

"Tifa..." I breathed.

"Tifa? Who's that? A girlfriend?" Aerith questioned as she walked in front me. I looked away.

"No... it's not like that."

"Hmm..." she looked me, trying to figure me out. She smiled.

"Okay. Let's get these kiddos back." She turned around & walked ahead.

As we made it to their playground, we saw a tall man in a cloak... he was moaning like he was in pain. All the kids started to scream & ran to hide.

I gripped the handle of my sword as I watched him fall to the ground.

"No!" Aerith yelled & ran to the man.

"Aerith! You don't know what he's capable of!" I ran with her.

We bent down to the man to see if he was okay.

"Number 2." I whispered.

"But why 2?"

"We should call for help. He shouldn't be here."

"Where can we find someon-" I was cut off by the man grabbing my wrist with force.

I looked at him & was shaken  by the appearance of the man he held now...

The nightmare.


"He sat straight up with a sinister smirk on his face.

"The reunion is nothing to fear.." he spoke. It sent shivers down my spine. I yanked my arm out of his grasp & backed away.

He stood up straight & looked at me. He smiled that devilish grin.

My head started to balloon with pain.

"Cloud are you okay?" Aerith asked as she placed a hand on my arm. I shook my head back to reality. We both watched as the cloaked man walked out of the playground.

"Do you remember Sephiroth?"

"The great war hero? He died 5 years ago didn't he?"

"Yeah... along with my sister.."

"Who's your sister?"

"Janelle Strife." I looked at her.

She placed a hand on her hip while the other to chin, she was thinking of an answer. Her face went pale.

"Aerith what is it?"

"I know her..."


While Sephiroth was out doing his taunting with Cloud & the others, I stayed back at the Northern Cave. I wanted to do more research about Jenova, the lifestream, & Mako Energy.

I paced around the cave reading files I have taken from Shinra.

"Mako Energy... the lifestream.. the liquid form of the planet's life... but why infuse humans with both Mako & Jenova.." I whispered to myself. I looked up towards the hole of the cave. The lifestream danced around in green & blue.

I sighed.

I sat down on the ground with the files & books scattered around. Pictures of Hojo, Gast, & Hollander on a few files.

My eyes were glazing over. I felt like I was going crossed eyed with all this. But I need to figure out. For both of us. For Sephiroth.

I glanced over to the Hojo file & saw a women in the picture. She had long brown hair, bangs like Sephiroth. She was wearing a lab coat. I raised a brow, studying the picture. Who is this...?

I focused on the picture & she doesn't look at all familiar. I opened the file, reading every single detail of the documents.

"Lucrecia Cresent... Scientist of Shinra, Inc. Spouse of... Hojo?" I was getting hot. I kept reading.

"Cresent injected with Alien like cells on XX/XX/XXXX. Cresent consent to injection of such cells into unborn child... what in gods name..."

"Cresent to carry fetus to full term. Cells successfully in fetus bloodstream. Mother having hallucinations of future of unborn child. Hallucinations consist of fire, burning, long silver haired man with long sword. Believes to be her son" I drop the file. I start to shake. I try to stand up but my legs wouldn't let me.

My eyes are burning to keep back the tears that were threatening to fall. I felt a breeze of cold air hit the side of my face. I glance over as Sephiroth lands to the ground.

He straightens his stance & looks over to me.

"Janelle what's wrong, what happened?" He rushed over, crouching down on his knee, pulling me into his arms.

I felt his heat coming from his body. His chest glued to my back. I felt his lips hover my neck. His breath was hot.

I took a deep breath & closed my eyes. Starting to relax my body into him. I looked at him, gently. He looked at me, eyes fully of worry.


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