The First Day Part 2

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Chapter 2

Alexis' POV*

I woke up to the beam of light poking through my window shining right in my eyes. I flinched and groaned because it was the first day back at school since summer break and I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I hated school so much. It was horrible. The only thing I looked forward to was seeing Alex. My one true love. Yes I'm in love with my bestfriend, although he dosent know about it, and he'd probably think I'm a weirdo if he found out. So I keep it to myself. I've know him for 4 years now, and Eve since I laid eyes on him I couldn't get over how gorgeous he was. This boy was MY bestfriend and he was so gorgeous. He didn't think he was gorgeous though.. He actually thought so low of himself that he came to the conclusion that he should harm himself... I was actually the only one who knew about Alex's cutting. I was glad that he trusted me enough to tell me, but I was so stunned and I felt really horrible about it because my bestfriend, the one I love, was harming himself.. And there was nothing I could do because he wouldn't get help.. He really dosent like to talk about it much.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. I brushed my teeth and then put on my skinny jeans and my pierce the veil t-shirt and paired it with my red hightop converse. I looked at myself in the mirror feeling satisfied. I went downstairs and saw that both my parents were passed out on the couch with beer bottles everywhere. I sighed and rolled my eyes and then I ran out the door to catch the bus. I hated the bus. Everyone had something to say to me whether it was "emo bitch" or "weirdo". I'd put in my earbuds and blast my music all the way up. I'd jam to pierce the veil all the way to school. But today was weird... We had stopped at a different house and I figured that it was a new kid. I couldn't see the person walking from the house but I heard guys whistle and saw a few lesbians staring so I thought it was just another preppy bitch. But to my surprise it wasn't a prep. She was.... Like me.... She also had a ptv shirt on. Along with ptv brackets and she also had a pair of red converse that said ptv on it. Wow.. This girl must really fucking like ptv. I love her already. She overlooked everyone and came to the main back of the bus. She stopped at where I was sitting and I was surprised. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She said. I answered with "no not all please". I honestly was so happy that there was someone else like me. Me: so are you new here? Her: yeah I just transferred here she said smiling. Me: oh cool. I see you like ptv? Her: omg yes, you like them too? Me: omg yes! Haha her: that's so fucking cool dude, I've finally found someone like me!" Me: that's what I was thinking! So do you wanna be friends?" Her: totally!" Me: okay great! btw what's your name? Her: my name is Nicole, what about you? Me: mine is alexis. Her: nice to meet you alexis. Me: thanks, nice to meet you too. We should hang out sometime. Her: that would be great". Me: I'll just call you co, is that ok? Her: that will be fine, can I call you lex? Me: haha of course

Thanks for reading, it's kinda shitty, it's my first fic .^.

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