First Day Part 3

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After the bus ride that seemed to last forever, we were finally at school. Me and Nicole had almost all classes together, except for two which was social studies and science. we had first, second, third, fifth, sixth period together. Since we had first period together and we were gonna be going to the same place, we went and hung out behind the school were there were no camera's and Nicole pulled out a whole bottle of vodka. She said "I don't know if your into this kind of shit, but it usually helps me through the day so you can have some if you want". I thought about it for a minute and decided to just take it because what's the worst that could happen.. I've drunk alcohol before but only a little bit. I took a huge drink of it, it tasted.. Weird but good at the same time. I gave some to Nicole too. We had about 20 minutes before the bell rang and we were absolutely wasted. We didn't actually drink a whole lot, but apparently a little goes a long way. I was half aware of what I was doing. We walked out of that area behind the school, trying to hold each other up and fumbling. We were like two baby deer fresh out of the hole. We laughed and laughed about absolutely nothing. I saw Alex and his friend Justin walking up to go into the school building. I told Nicole that, that was my friends Alex and Justin. I told her to come meet them. I ran up to Alex and jumped into his arms hugging him and practically yelled into his face and said "it feels like I haven't saw you in forever!!" He just smiles and Justin said something I couldn't really understand it though. My new friend Nicole walked up behind me and said "hi, nice to meet you guys, I'm Nicole" alex smiled and said oh hi! And reached out to shake her hand. When I looked over to see Justin, he wasn't saying anything. It was like he got possessed. He wasn't blinking, and I'm pretty sure he was drooling. Nicole looked at him and smiled and said hi. He snapped out of his trans and said oh hey!" Awkwardly. After that they kind of just stared at each other with googly eyes for a while. Alex nudged Justin in the arm and said "stop being weird dude". Justin looked over at alex and back at Nicole and said " so are you new here?" "Yeah I just transferred today" she replied. "Oh, cool, if you need someone to show you around, just ask me" Justin said. "Oh ok, thankyou". She said sweetly. I told them that we needed to use the restroom, just an excuse to ask Nicole something.

Justin's POV*

After alex and alexis were done hugging, I noticed that she had brought along a friend. She was absolutely stunning. After I saw her everything went in slow motion. I didn't hear anything anyone was saying. All my attention and focus was on this girl that I didn't know. She had beautiful blue green eyes, cute brown scene/emo haircut, and had a pierce the veil shirt on. I was in love. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was stunning.

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