Chapter 17

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Yujin's Point Of View

I reach the convenience store and went directly to the ice creams. Since Wonyoung's favorite flavor is not here, I just chose the vanilla one. I'm now looking at the snacks, because maybe we will watch movie again later, but then I heard a familiar voice. I saw Minju-unnie talking to someone, but I don't know who since we're a bit far from each other, and she's at the counter. I went to her then I saw Chaewon at the counter's place, smiling while looking at Minju-unnie.

I went to Minju-unnie's side then I placed the foods I bought at the counter. She looked at me then smile. I smiled back at her then I take my wallet out because I'm gonna pay the foods that I buy.

"Unnie, what did you bought? I'll pay for it." I said. She just smile at me.

"I already pay for it, don't worry." Minju-unnie said while still smiling.

When Chaewon handed me the plastic bag, I took it to her hand.

"Minju-unnie, come one, let's go back." I said. But again she just smile at me, how I love to see that smile.

"No, you can go back now, I'll just sit their at the chair since it's chilly here." Minju-unnie said. I just let a small smile and asked her again.

"You sure? Eunbi-unnie might look for you." I said again, trying to convince her.

"Just tell them that I'm just here." She said then she brushed her hand to my hair. I felt my face heat up when she did that.

"B-but, unnie it's already dark." I said.

"Yeah, you can go now Minju, I can handle it here, don't worry." Chaewon said, then she look at me then looked back at Minju-unnie, this time smiling.

"You sure?" Minju-unnie asked her.

"Yeah I'm sure, and you already helped me last time, I can handle this. Go home safe." Chaewon said, then she started waving her hands at Minju-unnie.

"Yah, you big dog, let's go!" I heard Minju-unnie said. That's when I realized that I'm not moving, I get back to my senses and get out at the store. She waved at Chaewon once again, then we started walking.

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