my ray of sunlight V

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KimJ got shot and died. It has been hours since i cried, and i was left alone there with junhos tombstone in front of me saying R.I.P junho 1998-2015, kim junho. While i started breaking down in tears, i would start to remember all those short memories i had with him... how it was a short time he and i were together but still felt like forever~♥. He... he was everything to me...

KimJ was everything... and he took it with him... my firsts... well let me be more specific, he took my first kiss. Yes i've dated many guys... actually 2- 4 guys in my whole life... but i never once let them kiss me in my lips, because i knew they were never the right one... but KimJ... he was way different... he... he treated me like i was his ray of sunshine, shining down to the world. It was the first time i ever loved someone like that and i mean LOVE not like~ he would always tell me about the solar system, how the sun is more important than planet Jupiter and all the other planets... he would describe himself as... mercury the planet right next to the sun... the planets thats so fast and there to protect  me. Then my friends and his are planets; Venus, Earth, Mars, then the belt that separates our friends. Then the other planets are our family. And finally our poor little Pluto... we didn't want to be mean to Pluto but he said that since Pluto is a dark and far away place its where the people that has treated us with no respect are from planet Pluto... YES PLUTO IS A PLANET! IF ITS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM ITS A PLANET! I DONT CARE WHAT SCIENTISTS AND TEACHER HAVE TO SAY ABOUT IT! PLUTO IS A PLANET! *inhale exhale* sorry -.- . And so thats how he would describe the solar system... that when in 10000 idk how many years when the sun(me) explodes that mercury will be there to explode right next to me... he always said this romantic words... but now... its not true... it can't be true... because hes already gone... i cried even more i felt like i was crying all my liquids from my eyes ☜(

thats not what i meant eww sounds wrong) my knees buckled and i fell on the ground...

T: yah! You jerk!... i... i love you...

I said while facing the ground watching my tears drop down ro the ground and making little dots on the ground like if it were raining, but to my surprise... it did start to rain...

(A/N a bout the rain suddenly raining ill tell you something about it in my next story)

The more i cried the more the rain fell harder it was like it was crying with me... and knew how sad i felt... or maybe it was junho... then like a movie my memories started to move faster... like if i wanted to say something but couldn't and finally screamed from the bottom of my lungs ↑(again i really dk what wrong with my grammar i must be going crazy)


Voice: me too~♥

I heard a voice and got shocked i THOUGHT it was just my imagination but... then i saw a figure... a familiar figure... in that moment i knew i was going crazy and hallucinating. It was him my Junho right infront of me... hitting me with the ray of sunlight and him right there in the middle of it. I looked around to see if the others see what im seeing but they're to busy crying... i looked and noticed ray of sunlight in every corner, just like when i saw him and he confessed to me. I smiled in disbelief and looked at him... the angel standing right infront of me, i let my tear drop and said the same word one more time...

T: i love you~... kim junho


Sorry for this short chapter unfortunately the next chapter is the last one well for that story... i dont make sence right now so yea cus i had a tummy ache... buhuhu. Sorry for my grammar too im just like so out of it everyday and im like ... -.- wuat? Wat Is going on? So i do forget everything... like today i was looking for my comic book i made for this story and i forgot where i put it and i started looking for it everywhere and i made a mess and when i got back it was in my like box like right there... im like -.- bruh... and yea

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