Hangover: Arrow Style.

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I woke to a car horn, and myself on my side stripped down to my under pants. The sun's light burned my eyes. Everything I had was gone.
Everything. My baby, My Wife, Queen Consolidated. I couldn't bare to think anymore. I stood up, I was an in an abandoned alleyway, so no one saw me almost naked. I walked down slowly, gain power back into my legs to make my body stand again. I just wanted everything to be over with, me dead, so I can lay with my wife.
Felicity... I'm so sorry. I didn't protect you like I promised I would. I promised that I would stay alive for you, but I didn't realize that you would need to promise me that.
My heart ached, it felt like it was falling, into an endless pit with no stop. I cursed. Stupid Gravity. I kept walking, it was like my legs my whole body was chained to massive weights.
I felt to to ground, and vomited again. Tears from my eyes, my soul, came out. I did fail. And I'm sorry.
Across of me was a clothing store, I sneaked in through the back door and turn the power off, and choked the only person in the small store. Until he was blackout, still breathing. I had to reassure myself, and went close to his mouth and nose and heard his breath. I felt a bit of relief.
I didn't kill him.
Lately I haven't trusted myself with this... My skills, maybe I could've killed him if by accident if I was capable of it.
I looked around and saw a pair of jeans and a shirt, and a green sweater. I took off the tags. And ran back out. Once I looked up I saw Four police officers. Captain Lance being one of them. Damn it. I thought.
Captain Lance was midway of going to eat his sandwich, once he saw me. All I saw on his face was disappointment.
"Great." I said under my breath. Two of the officer pinned me down on the car, and cuffed me. And didn't say my rights. Lance being one of the was surprised more than being used to it.
They Lance sat me in the same car as him. "Why did you this Oliver, hhm? You were going straight. I haven't seen you in a crime scene in over two years! What now? Shoplifting?"
I didn't answer.
"Look I'm sorry about your baby and Felicity."
"His name was Jonas."
"My son's."
"Oh." He hesitated and kept going on of the lesson. "It doesn't mean that you can run around you stealing things."
I was silent then I explain. "I was jumped, and they stole everything including my clothes. I'm sorry," I said meanly.
"Tell that to the man that you choked."
"I just cut off his air for a little while, he's not dead."
"He could of died though." He argued.
"I knew what I was doing."
"Yeah, stealing."
We were at the police station in the interrogation room. He hand cuffed me to the table. I put my face down when I quickly saw Laurel's face. The door opened, with Laurel, with her mad face on. "What the hell."
"We were trying to find you for two days, and you end up in jail, what's wrong with you?" she dropped the file on the table.
"I'm sorry. Okay."
"It's not okay, Oliver, you are mourning, I get that, but you have responsibilities, you can't just vanish, and let yourself go waste."
"What if the responsibilities I have, to kill myself? I'm only one person. Huh, did you think about that Laurel? They Killed My wife, my baby, my company. Everything!" I jumped up at her. "They killed my dreams. I'm only one person."
She stared at me like she never knew me before. She never saw me so defeated like I was somebody different. "The charges will be dropped as long as pay for the clothes." She walked out the room and dropped the keys to the cuffs. She walked out.
I unlocked the cuffs off my wrists. I followed her out the door. But not through the building. I went out the police station. And saw that the sun was replaced by the moon. The streets were crowded by speeding cars.
I just walked, and I realized where I stopped. A small church.
Where me and Felicity got Married. Where we promised a whole life together.
"Oliver! I think we should have the wedding here." Felicity said in the communicator.
"You know I can't see what you looking right." I was in a gun fight with big numbered Gang which didn't scare me. I had Felicity with me.
"It know that--" she paused.
"Felicity? Felicity?" I shot two arrows before I ducked.
"I'm sorry, bathroom problems." She said. I quickly breathed. "Oliver."
"I'm fine. What about you and the baby?"
"I'm annoyed, the baby-- is giving me really bad indigestion. I hate being pregnant."
"That's good." Guns the battling, at us. "So what were you saying?"
"Oh that place, it's a place in France."
"What!? Why-- Why France?"
"Kidding Kidding, I'm making-- to you left Oliver!"
I turned quickly and shot an arrow at the person "as what I was saying its in-"
"Hold it. What about just a small wedding, just us Dig, Roy, Thea, and Laurel."
"I thought you wanted a dream wedding." Her voice cracked, I knew she loved the idea. "Uh -oh Duty calls."
Roy laughed beside me,"It's ironic, you two are the most weirdest couple I've ever met." He shot arrows and aimed correctly hit the gunmen.
"Really?" Felicity came back. More gunshots. "Saying a 19 year old Red Archer Vigilante, who's dating a 19 year old girl assassin, who's dad and her are running from the League of Assassins."
"Ouch. A Dream wedding is with the woman I love, and with my closest friends. I love you."
"I'm invited?." Roy asked "and you guys didn't tell me?" He shot his last arrow at the last gun man.
"We didn't send out the invites yet." I said softly
"We didn't?" Felicity asked a bit mad
"No they are kind of still sitting on my kitchen table."
"Really? Looks like you've been think about this a lot."
"I have." I still gently. I walk out of the shelter, beginning to cuff the criminals. "What do you say?"
"I say behind you"
I turned, and shot the arrow at the last guy.
"Yes. But you choose being pregnant and engaged is hard work, Oliver." She huffed out I knew she was smiling.
We were returning from the mission when I passed by this old exotic church, inside was beautiful. Small, I smiled and my stomach had butterflies, and my body was warm saying perfect.
---------------->END OF FLASHBACK<----------------
I saw across from me, the small church, it was black rocky kind of brick, it was old. At the time it was perfect. I can still taste the liquor I drank. Truthfully I didn't book the church. I went in a day before we decided to get married and asked.
I didn't go in. I was already having memories that I don't want replaying in my head like it was yesterday. She always smile like everything would be okay.
I can't say her name. I just can't. My mouth, my throat would close, and I would die if I did. She was my everything. She was my promise of staying alive. I kept walking, and a saw a a small bar, I walked in casually. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I stopped and looked around and saw an empty seat.
"Waiter!" He came running. "Give me a whole bottle."
"I can't." He said with attitude "state law."
"Damn the Law. Gimme the Bottle." I yelled. "I own this city. Now gimme the bottle." I looked at the waiter. With my serious eyes, the eyes I give to criminals.
"Fine." He said like he seen my face before. "Here." He slammed the bottle in the bar table. I gave a hundred, to the waiter.
Before I opened the door, I cursed at everyone who looked at me, like I didn't belong there. Because I did.
I walked out and I heard steps behind me. "You know if your going to rob me, that would be a really bad choice right now." I took a sip of the alcohol.
One of the men took out his cold pistol and push it against my head. "You know the drill. Gimme all you got."
I slowly put the bottle of vodka down, and turned and looked at the guy. He had a beard, a little bit overweight, "I told you that robbing me is a really bad choice."
He laughed and slotted me with his gun. I looked at him, fiercely. I and a tight fist and punched the stranger. The bearded man fell to the ground. He let go of the gun. And I picked it up. The other guys ran not tried to help him.
"I told you that it was a bad idea to rob me."
"Okay, Okay." He was breathing through his mouth, because I probably broke his nose. He was looking at the gun. "I'm sorry! Just don't shoot me."
I said nothing. "Gone! Get, Get out of here."
The man trip but pick himself up, and ran.
I just grabbed my vodka and threw the gun at Laurel who's in her Black Canary uniform. She instantly caught it. "What are doing? Your Following me now?" I drank more.
"No. I just saw man I didn't recognize pointing a gun to another man face."
I smiled. "Cut the sarcasm, you knew that was me. And You knew that he about to rob me right?"
"I also knew you had you had your finger at the trigger, but you weren't going to tell that weren't you?" She said. "But you didn't pull because your not a killer, Oliver."
"See," I pointed at her with the vodka bottle. "That Oliver is dead. Buried with his Wife, and missing baby." I Drank more. "He's not coming back."

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