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It's like a bridge made of thin glass

I woke up by the ray of the sun and a sudden urge to go puke. I closed my eyes tightly wondering why am I doing all of this.
After that simple question, I got up and rushed to the toilets vomiting like crazy. It was amazing. Such a nice way to start the day, for once I've been woken up by the soft and warm sunshine. I smiled at myself in the mirror and then brushed my teeth after having taken a shower since I felt disgusting just before. I'm glad I have no school today. My parents probably were mad at me yesterday even after shouting in the halls, shouting at me, tugging more on my hair, punching my tummy and scratching my neck. They even asked me who the hell am I expecting to love such a disgusting rat. Obviously making reference to me. I would reply with ' y'all are so obsessed with my love life like you ever taught me what love was'  Then worse came until I was coughing for air and couldn't reply. They don't like it when I talk back because it's disrespectful but they expect me to answer when they ask something. Like hell I will?

"You're gorgeous" I winked at my reflection with a smile and then walked to the living room looking around. "I'm lost." I mumbled with a frown. "No worries Kenma, we might just watch a movie and eat something to forget about it!" I said in a cheerful tone. "Ah I love you Kenma" I whispered to myself about to start walking to the kitchen but jolting when getting interrupted by the door opening. Sudden stress rushed in me and I let out a frustrated yell expecting it to be my parents.


I froze at the unexpected soft and warm tone that came from Kuro. He has the spare key-well my dad's ancient key. I stole it and the old man thought he lost it because of my mother so they fought in the kitchen and I realized I had fucked up.

"H-hey?" I didn't dare glance at him and thought about escaping this world to the anime world. Well-anyway.

"Since when are you awake?"

"Huh? That's a strange question but you see I have no idea."

"Okay I'm assuming you didn't eat, yesterday I told you I would come over so I brought the breakfast." I turned my head to glare at him, I noticed the box he was holding. It was such a cute sight I had to keep myself from laughing.

"Yeah I remember"  I mumbled, suddenly not finding the strength in me to talk louder. I'm always like this anyway.

"So shall we eat and watch a movie?"

"This early? Don't you have plans? Cuz I do, I'm very busy you see" I couldn't help the words back. That's what happens when I get too isolated, I become weird when talking to other people.

"Really? I see" Kuro held a knowing smirk and I chuckled.
The mood had lightened a bit and we ate the delicious meal he brought. He sure knows how to cook, he's a man to marry.
I didn't question that thought and went on with the day.
We joked around, then started a movie, it wasn't like it used to be months ago but it's like how it was years ago.
The 'no homo' being put in between us.
I saw him talk to me with sparkly eyes too, it made my heart do a flip more than once, it was unhealthy. I adore looking into his eyes.
After the movie ended we had nothing to talk about, it didn't feel like usual. He would always start the conversation, right now he looked lost in thoughts. I decided to try to put some effort, which I don't do very often.
I cleared my throat talking about the first thing that came to my mind.

"I..saw you yesterday. I mean in-in front of m-my house" I gulped not wanting to bash myself because of the stutters. I actually had pity over myself, I hate when it happens. When I think about my childhood I actually get sad thinking about it, thinking ahaha this kid is not lucky. Though I sure am luckier than some people, I'm not in the misery it's just me seeing it like that. Others sure have it harder.

"Oh right.." he gulped looking around, I felt a pinch in my heart but ignored it, looking at him with admiration.
"We...when we came back we did pass by here obviously. Uhm. Your parents were here right?" I got mad for some reason. Once again, it's my fault for disliking the way he speaks to me. What did I do for this to be like that?

"You know what.. thank you Kuro, I'll have to go to bed. As you can see" I said pausing but continuing right after I saw him widen his eyes, ready to say something. I added the last part before seeing the whole look on his face change. It was like he was saying ' you're right, those eye bags of yours sure speak'. I don't mind it though.

"Alright, good night then"


He didn't sleep over, we said bye, I locked the door wanting some privacy, I might accept myself murdering my body but not any stranger. Just kidding...

I took a long hot shower and went to bed before actually sleeping three hours after I laid there.
The night felt so long, so cold, so dark.

"I love it here"

8:35 PM

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