Un ciel abstrait

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Getting warmer but feeling colder

I sneaked out and went to the closest park near my house. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to bother anyone and I was lazy. Just doing that took half of my energy left.
My parents told me I was grounded and can't go out for three days because yesterday I came back late.
You see, I'm an introvert, meaning I am most likely to stay inside because I do enjoy my alone time a lot more than with people around. The issue here is that being told I what I can and can't do makes me wanna be rebellious. Some alone time outside at three in the morning can't hurt me right? It's just the perfect time, 'cause now I'm sure they're asleep and four in the morning is too early.

When I got there, I looked for the bench but sighed once I did. Bokuto and Akaashi were both kissing, doing their thing. I didn't want to interrupt by respect and unwanted awkwardness so I just went to the other side of the park where I found another guy with bright orange hair. I saw him in some of my classes, he often hangs out with the same guys, a black haired one mainly. Tobio..

"Huh? Hey" Shoot I got caught. He was looking at me with pure excitement in his eyes. How does he have so much energy at this hour? He was literally waving at me while I stood there thinking about the situation.

"Uh hi" I got closer because if I walked away it would've been quite disrespectful and weird.

"Let me guess..Ken..ma? Kenma? Am I right?" I nodded with a slight smile.

"What's your name?" I asked him as I took a seat beside him because he had signalled me to do so with his hand.

"Shoyo, Hinata Shoyo!" He smiled widely making me smile a little.

"Okay Shoyo, what brings you here"

"Couldn't sleep, what about you?"

"Oh same haha" I kinda lied on this one, I'm absolutely tired and I would appreciate teleporting to my bed right now.

Like that, we talked a little and I came back but realized the sun was rising. I panicked, knowing my parents would already be starting to get up for work. They shouldn't be looking for me but I know they are starting to walk around the house so I can't come in. My window is too high for me to get to it. The front door would be a huge mistake.

One option left is going to Kuro's. Thing is, will he open the door? No, of course not.
That's why I'll sneak in by his bathroom window. It's sad how easy it is because he never locks it even though that's the vulnerable place.
I executed my plan with facility and locked his window remembering to remind him how he should be more careful.

I walked to his living room and sat there, watching the TV. Nothing really interesting was showing up but it's not like I had my switch with me.
My stomach growled so I decided to eat something.
I opened his fridge and to my unnecessary surprise, there was nothing made. I had to cook and it was obvious, he always cooks for himself. Why does he have to be like that. I sighed and walked back to the living room. Why didn't I think of it? Now I'm hungry.

"Kenma?Kenma~" Someone annoyingly kept calling my name.

"What?" I said madly, my eyes still closed.

"Get up, why are you on my couch." Kuro replied with a sigh.

"Ugh why?"

"No, you"


"Just get up I made breakfast" A smile creeped on my face without my agreement. "Tehe I can see you smiling, now come on Kenma"

"Two seconds"

"You mumbled that for thirty minutes unconsciously, I've waited enough. I need my couch back and food is gonna get cold" He started playing with the hair on my face to annoy me and it did.

We ate, I stayed and told him about tonight and his window. He didn't even seem scared that anyone could enter, kidnap him, kill him while he's sleeping or rob him. Why am I the one worried about that even?!

"Kuro your hair is always that messy it's fascinating"


"I'm tired and cold" I said before leaning in my crossed arms on my knees as I sat on the couch.

"Woah you complain too much Kenma" I glared at him but he was already hugging me, sharing his warmth with me. I smiled shamelessly leaning closer to his chest.

"I like you" It slipped out of my mouth while I was enjoying his caring and affectionate attention towards me. I didn't have the energy to panic though.

"..like you too" He mumbled back before letting me nuzzle my face in the heat of his neck.

"So warm" I whispered before pecking the skin. Sometimes I'm really distant, sometimes I'm very comfortable with cuddling, maybe too comfy. I somehow manage to surprise myself in these situations.
Kuro, though is really good at adapting. That's what makes it easy to get comfortable. As long as he's fine with it, I'll be okay. I don't want to make things awkward.
He started stroking my hair, massaging my head, it was very enjoyable. I could close my eyes and smile once again genuinely happy. I feel like a cat cuddling another cat. Weird but that's how I see it. Kuro is my kitty. "Kitty~"
He snored a little but kept stroking me.

"Cute cat, I'm the one 'petting' you, but I do appreciate the nickname" he answered making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you're my kitty now"

"Gladly, Kenma master" He chuckled cutely before stroking my arms to give me more friction, creating warmth.
I say he chuckled 'cutely' but if you heard his laugh- I can call it cute it's the same thing.
I was feeling great. Kuro made my day. I brought my hand up to start stroking his hair as well. I watched as he closed his eyes calmly and smiled lightly. He's handsome.

"You're a cute kitty, Kuro. Did you know that?" I said as I continued 'petting' him.

"Pfft obviously, if I'm a cat then I'm cute." He answered cockily as he glanced at me with a smirk.

"Ew I take back what I said"

"Oh you meanie, you're a savage cat." We kept looking in each other's eyes deeply, we weren't talking. Personally, I had no idea what was happening but I knew one thing. I was obviously using that to admire his handsomeness. Why is he always so good looking?

"Of course I'm a savage one, what did you expect" I raised an eyebrow while smirking, still keeping the eye contact.

1:36 am

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