Chapter 5

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Kassie was in the mystic grill drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows when sheriff Forbes approached her

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Kassie was in the mystic grill drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows when sheriff Forbes approached her.
"Kassie" the woman cheered "I haven't seen you in a while"
"I've been pretty busy" kassie chuckled, she then gestured to the chair across from her "do you want to sit" liz smile and nodded.
"How's elena, I heard what happened with Stefan, on the bridge"
"She was pretty shaken up" kassie admitted "I stayed up most of the night with her, she wouldn't go to sleep"

"I don't blame her" the sheriff replied "if someone did that to me I don't think I'd sleep for weeks"
"What about Caroline" kassie kicked herself for not asking sooner "after the whole Tyler incident"
"All healed up. Soon after they got to my house klaus came and healed her"
"He did?" Kassie asked suspiciously "did he ask for anything?"
"Just my support. I was just as surprised as you are"

"You know" kassie said "I've actually kind of got to know him a bit and he doesn't seem as bad as everyone is making him out to be. I mean yeah, he's a homicidal maniac but he's also had a hard life. Something all of us can relate to" liz smiled at the young girl.
"Kassandra Gilbert, you are way to nice for your own good" she then stood up and placed her hand on kassie's shoulder "I better get back to work, I'll see you around kassie"
"Bye liz"

After finishing her hot chocolate, kassie went to the Salvatore's house where she had agreed to meet Damon. As she got to the front door Stefan was walking out, when she passed he grabbed her arm.
"What, no hello" he smirked, kassie gave him a fake smile and pushed past him "if you're looking for Damon he's not here"
"Your lying" kassie replied "Damon text me to meet him here, he would of told me if he couldn't make it" Stefan shrugged and walked towards his car.

"Well he isn't here" Stefan said "have you maybe considered my brother isn't the good person you think he is, that maybe his promises mean nothing"
"Well he's a dam better person than you at the moment" kassie snapped "my sister and your brother are so set on trying to save you" she laughed humourlessly "I don't see why" kassie walked all the way to the end of the drive before Stefan replied.
"You know, I haven't forgotten that klaus has a soft spot for you" he shouted "I'm going to find out why"
"Be my guest" she yelled as his car drove past.

"Come on, pick up you...." she groaned as Damon's phone once again went to voicemail "what am I meant to do now"
"auxilium me invenire terrae" a voice whispered, kassie's head whipped round trying to find the source but there was no one there. "auxilium me invenire terrae" it said again. Against her better judgement she uttered the spell and once she had bright footsteps appeared on the floor, leading away.
"Well that's new" kassie muttered

The trail went all the way to the hospital. Kassie would be lying if she wasn't slightly confused, her first thought was, who's died this time. Determined to find her best friend she stalked through the crowded corridors, with her head down studying the footprints she wasn't looking where she was going"
"Oops, sorry" kassie apologised, looking up to see Alaric's new crush "I wasn't looking where I was going"
"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't concentrating" the woman chuckled "You're elena, right? Alaric's ward"
"That's my sister actually" kassie replied "I'm kassie"

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