Well that was hard

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I woke up the next morning to my annoying phone ringing, which was my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. I dragged myself into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. As soon as I was done I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed my clothes for the day, it was a grey pair of sweats and a white muscle tank top yeah I know they're for guys but they're actually pretty comfortable.

I finished getting dressed and I put my hair in a side messy bun, I threw on my gray sweater leaving it unzipped. I made my way to the living room and grabbed my gray ugg boots, I threw those on my feet. Today is just another gloomy day in my eyes so that's why I wore a lot of gray, usually I wear a lot of black and dark blue but today I chose to wear gray. I didn't put any make up on since I didn't feel like it. I made myself coffee to wake me up but instead it only made me even sleepier for some odd reason, I groaned as I almost tripped over my own feet. I really don't want to go to school, it sucks ass.

"Wow you're up early." Isabel says as she passes me to go to the kitchen.

"Yeah and?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She says.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep for a bit wake me up at 7:30." I mumbled as I walked into my room,

"Okay." She says.

*An hour later*

"BECKY! IT'S 7:30!! WAKE UP!" Isabel yells at me. Ugh, it can't be 7:30 yet! It's too early, it felt like 5 minutes! I groaned and grabbed my backpack then headed out for the door.

I walked into the school doors and dragged myself to meet up with Maria.

"Hey." I groaned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks.

"It's a school day." I groaned again.

"Well no duh, we just like cominghere because it's fun." She said in a sarcastic tone. I laugh,

"Damn, you know what I meant."

"So how's it going with.... you know who?" She asks. I sighed and told her what we talked about last night.

"Damn, well you should've asked me on what to say but no you just want to do things your way which gets you into situations like these." She says.

"Ugh! I would've but you hardly reply, so that's why I don't text you much." I said.

"Okay, first of all I do reply only if my phone is in my hands and second, it's too much work!" She says. I laugh and say,

"See!" This is why Maria is Maria, she's unique.

"Whatever, but are you over him yet?" She asks.

"No.. ugh I wish it was that easy." I sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll get over him." She says.

"Yeah hopefully." I said.

"Anyway, do you still like Pedro?" She asks.

"Yes, but I'm ignoring the fact that I love Austin because he's with Camila and he's happy so I should be happy with my life... right?" I asked as She nodded slowly.

"Yes, look dude. He's happy I know that's hard to understand that but he is, I'm sorry that it's not with you and with someone else. Honestly, I have a feeling that he likes you still but he's too busy hiding it because he loves Camila." She says, hearing her say that Austin loves Camila makes my heart break again, but it's true.. he tells her he loves her frequently.

"Yeah you're right." I sighed. The bell rang which was the cue for 1st class.

*Fast forward to later that day*
Everytime I close my eyes I see them two kissing, even when I'm thinking about something else I still see them two.... kissing and holding hands. Why can't I just move on already? Austin is happy with her, and without me. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice,

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