What Was I Going To Do

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Once we got to his house he lead me upstairs to his room, I mean I guess you can say he's very well organized. His room was neat and everything seemed to fall into place nicely. He threw his backpack into his closet and reached for mine,

"It's fine. I won't be here long." I told him, he shook his head.

"You're going to end up staying over, just watch." He says still grabbing my bag anyway and throwing it in with his. He shut his closet door and walked over to his comfortable computer chair.
I just stood there in the doorway not knowing what to do. "You understand you can sit down right?" He asks. Duhh. Why are you like this, Rebbeca? I ended up sitting on his soft mattress.

"This is weird." I managed to say in a whisper. He spun around in his chair and sent me a confusing look,

"What was that?" He asks. I shrugged and leaned back a bit holding myself with the palm of my hands.

"I just never felt a soft bed before.. it feels weird." I laughed a bit.

"Oh... how so? You don't have a mattress at your house?" He asks. I almost choked on my syliva trying to hold in my laughter, he honestly thinks I'm treated that poorly?

"I do, it's just a hard couch that is transformed into a bed. It's pretty worn out we have had it for years but never used it until my sisters were born I was handed it down since they wanted the beds."

"Oh." Was all that he said.

"Anyway enough of that sappy shit, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much." He responds. A moment of silence fell upon us and being uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. I suggested,

"Hmm, well I think I better get going."

"No.. can you stay a little longer?" He asks moving from the couch and sitting next to me on his bed. I stood up quickly feeling the kind of tension he was trying to encourage here,

"No, I really should be going. I have to explain to my parents how I got suspended and why I beat the shit out of Chelsea. So yeah... bye." I said before I could reach to pull the handle on the closet door, he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He's got me. His arms brought that sort of tingling feeling in my stomach, I know that he's got me in his trap. Stop falling for him Rebbeca! Neglect it! Pinch yourself back to reality! But I couldn't... he was so much stronger than me. The dominant one and I hate being the one with the less power.

"Stay." He whispered into my ear. Right then and there... those words were the only thing that I needed to stay alive at this moment.

"O-Okay." I fell. really. hard.

He turns me around and looks into my eyes, those green ones are marvelous. He was leaning in so I followed his lead... then he moved his head to the side,

"So do you want to watch a movie?" He asks having the remote in his hand. My heart sunk,

"Sure." I lied. He grabs my hand with his free one and pulls me onto the bed. He laid down as I laid between his spreaded legs, we both stared at the blank television a few seconds before he turned it on. I looked to my right to find my hand still in his, I assumed he saw me looking since he tighted his grip a bit.

"I'm glad you chose to stay." He says softly. I sighed quietly and nodded,

"Me too."

*****The Next Morning*****
I woke up and turned to see a sleeping Austin with his arms still wrapped around my waist. I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his grip, I need to get home. His grip only tightened more and mumbles,

"She's mine. No, you won't take her!" My face flushed as he got all protective. He's dreaming... about me?

"You won't take, Abby." He said louder with his eyes shut,

"Alright! That's it!" I brought my hand up and collided it really hard with his cheek. His eyes widened as he jumped up, finally setting me free.

"What the hell!? Rebbeca what the fuck was that for!" He yells at me.

"YOU ARE DREAMING OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND YET HERE WITH A GIRL WHO ISN'T!" I yelled at him quickly taking my bag from his closet.

"Rebbeca. Let me explain all this-"

"NO! No more Austin! Just leave me alone!" I interrupted him before I ran out the door and down the stairs as fast as I could out of the front door. I just kept running until his voice faded away from my ears.

******A few months later*****
Haven't talked to Austin since that night. He looks like he is doing good though, he is still with Abby so that's great. Maria and I are in the library, she had to look for a book to take to her English class since her teacher is now having his students do boring reading logs and Maria can't afford to fail. I laugh as she panicked looking for a book,

"I read all of these! What am I going to do, Rebbeca?!" She shrieks.

"Well isn't that a good thing? Almost all of these books you read when you were in middle school, can't you just write them down for the log and not re-read it?" I suggested.

"Oh that's smart." She laughs, picking one of the shelf.

"Now after thi-" I was interrupted by knocking someone's book down.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" I kneeled down to pick up the book and handed it over to whoever it was but when I looked up it was Austin.

"Thanks." He murmurred. I roll my eyes and kept walking with Maria, she got in line to check the book out. Abby and Joe walk in,

"Looks like the whole crew is here, can we leave already?" I groaned.

"Yes, I'm next in line. Why don't you wait outside for me?" She asks.

"Okay." I walk out and pulled out my phone. No message from Austin. It's been like that for months now.. and I miss texting him.

Honestly, I had no answer to that question. What was I going to do?

Well this kind of sucked. I'm sorry to be moving this whole book months forward, I just need to get to the point of the story because these chapters seem to be going all over the place. Lol. Well please vote and comment! <3

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