- Wow, Yixiang, you are dressed up today, what's the special occasion?
They caught him! Normally, Yixiang doesn't care much about what to wear. He simply grabs whatever near his bed to put on. But today, he exudes a regal look with a Changshan in hopes of impressing the handsome Vietnamese guy. But it's got awkward now after he's being exposed by those silly men. He then tries to find an excuse:
- Hey Hanbin, the departure day is near so I'm planning to go to the pagoda to pray for a safe trip. Those Dutch men are Catholic so you should come with me instead.
Hung quickly nods his head. Hung is not religious, just like most of the Vietnamese people, but going to the pagoda to pray for K's safety is what Hung would love to do. Not to mention that Hung cannot bear staying on board all the time.
- Chua Cau, the Japanese pagoda?
- You want to be there to pray for him, right? Nope, don't ever think about it, I will go to the Quan Cong shrine (modern Ong pagoda, by Ming people).
Well, a Japanese pagoda or a Ming one, Hung couldn't care less, isn't the prayer sent to the same place? However, after a sleepless night, Hung has come to the compromise that Yixiang shouldn't be hated so much. The fact that he kidnapped K is wrong, sure, but in such a Confucian society where filial impiety is the biggest sin, a son who doesn't want to reunite with parents wouldn't be looked up to. From Yixiang's point of view, how he did it might not sit well with Hung, but why he did it should matter too. Also, why fight him when he already agrees to help and treats Hung quite decently. Hung then tries to initiate a convo:
- You aren't with your parents this Lunar New Year?
- With them? Oh, are you wishing that I'd be celebrating it at the bottom of the ocean? Oh no, too cold over there, I can't take it.
Yixiang's laugh is filled with sadness. Did he lose his parents to the sea? Hung initially thought K and Yixiang look cold because of the East Asian weather. It turns out that their hearts are so heavy that no fake smile can light them up.
- Actually, as long as you have them in your heart, no matter where and when, you are still connected. There are people who sit at the same table, but in fact, they are a thousand miles apart.
Yixiang is again taken by surprise. No one ever told him these things. He chooses to work for this company because he wants to be by his parents, days and nights. When he saw K's parents begging for his help, he of course couldn't resist helping them. To him, a second with parents is the best second, why would K not want to see his parents after years of separation? But now, he can start to figure out the reason, K probably just didn't want to leave such a healing gem behind.
- So why don't you just stay in Hoi An? You don't need to go all the way to Japan if you two are connected that way, right?
Huhm, Hung is caught flat-footed. This Taiwanese dude is obviously smart and not that easy to convince.
- Well, but I want his body too.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I'm not even 18 yet and you're using this kind of language here???
(Hanbin, he's judging you =))))))))))
FanficI'm translating my fanfic "Hãy Gọi Ta Là Đại Ca" into English for non-Vietnamese speaking KBin shippers. I try to stay close to real events that happened in history (Vietnam 400 years ago)/in ILand. I keep Hanbin's characteristics/things he said/th...