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It was morning..

Before i knew it, i woke up and my surroundings has changed, i went back to where i used to be gloomy, dark surroundings of mine.


Tears slowly rolling down my cheeks, my body felt numb, my heart aches more than I'd ever felt before. I curled myself inside my blanket crying my eyes out.

Everything blurs before i knew it, my tears covered my sight, my mind was filled with so many thoughts i miss Hogwarts, my friends and Draco.

In those moments, all i could think  was ; just a little longer, it all happens too soon.

There was just so many words to say, and so many more to express. Because im an idiot, im selfish im so in love with him and i dont want to hurt him. Although i didnt open up to him, i knew he deserves better, and i hope he's doing fine. I miss his scent lingering around my presence, everywhere i turn im reminded of him, his warm smile that gives me butterflies everytime, and his soft touch. I never knew i would feel so lost without him but i knew i have to live with it. Because...

Reality is pain

And pain -


demands to be felt.

Not everyone has a complete happy ending

And neither do us.

I am so sorry Draco. For everything i am so sorry for always putting my cold feet on yours.

I am so sorry for getting mad at you for silly things, most importantly im sorry for being not strong enough.

But thank you for teaching me that even how dark the world is, there is always love remains that's worth to fight for.

written over the stars ( Draco Malfoy ) Where stories live. Discover now