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      Soon as i entered the library i saw Draco who was already sitted on one of the table it seems to me that he was wearing a quidditch sweater. I quickly took a seat infront of him, he then greeted me cheerfully it seems weird to me that the biggest bully in Slytherin was being this kind and outgoing. Although i was skeptical by his weird behaviour i calmly greeted him back.

I asked " why are you wearing your quidditch sweater?" Draco replied " Slytherin and the Hufflepuffs are having quidditch match after this as the best seeker in Hogwarts im pretty sure Slytherin is going to win" he said with a proud yet arrogant smile " care to support me later on the quidditch match Heather?" he asked.

I give him a weak smile " sure and why did you asked me to come to the library?" he answered " i just want some company" he grinned suspiciously.

The library was very silent and humongous there was no one in the library. I chose a book to read, as i was reading ignoring Draco infront of me he suddenly placed his hand on top of mine on the table. I gasped as i felt his warm hands on top of mine. My heart was beating maniacally it and felt like adrenaline was pumping all around my body. I bit my lip, watching him with coy amusement as he turned his gaze to mine. We made an eye contact the library was so silent i could hear his slow breathing. His steady, deep breath taunted me.

How was he so calm? I asked to myself.

Draco immediately gives me a warm smile without saying a single word. I rolled my eyes jokingly with a smile painted on my face. I wondered why he was being so playful towards me. My cheek was burning red, i quickly let go of my hand on him and quickly leaves the library without saying any goodbye to him.

I was filled with confusion on my thoughts. Why was he touching my hand? Why was he acting so nice towards me. I couldn't think of a logical explanation to myself i could only able to tell myself to calm down. I was upset leaving Draco alone in the library but i was too shy to confront him any longer in the library.

I had promised Draco to support him on the quidditch match later on, as i herd the rumours going around Cedric Diggory was the best seeker in Hufflepuff.

I was eager to watch the quidditch match after this in wishing i could also take this chance to apologise to Draco for leaving him at the library alone.

written over the stars ( Draco Malfoy ) Where stories live. Discover now