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Luke’s POV

After telling Ashton and Calum about my little ‘prank’, they told me the truth as to why they were never there.

Apparently when Michael found out that Kiara had been at the hospital with me every day, he rang up Calum and Ash and told them that he didn’t want them coming and visiting me and if they did he would tell me that they both convinced my ex-girlfriend, Aleisha McDonald, to cheat on me with each of them back when we were dating a couple years ago.

When I heard this, I couldn’t believe that Michael was being like this. I mean, I know that he hated me for a solid year in high school but I seriously thought he was over that. Maybe he’s trying to get back at me because I got the chance to have sex with Kiara before he did. I wander if they have even done it yet.

Why am I even thinking about that? It makes me sick knowing that they are most likely doing that shit.

So as of today, it’s been a full week since I left the hospital and a full week since I’ve last seen Kiara.

I still haven’t seen Charlotte since the night of the accident and it kills me knowing it’s been almost 3 months.

Maybe I should call Kiara and ask if I can see my daughter. So that’s exactly what I did. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts until I found Kiara’s name.

To: Kiara

Do you mind bringing Charlotte over for a bit? I miss her and wanna spend some ‘daddy – daughter’ time :)

Luke x

I locked my phone and played FIFA for a while.

About half an hour later I got a text from Kiara.

From: Kiara <3

Hey Luke, yeah that’s fine. Do you want her to stay the night?

Kiara xo

OMG yes!!! This is like the best thing ever.

I replied back with a yes and locked my phone once again, continuing with my soccer match.


Kiara’s POV

Michael wasn’t home tonight which was good. He was staying over at his cousin’s place because they have the bachelor party tonight, as his cousin is getting married next Sunday.

I was planning on going to Annabelle’s house tonight with Charlotte but then Luke messaged me asking if her could spend some time with Charlotte.

I took this as the opportunity to get rid of her for a night and be a normal 18 year old.

As much as I love my daughter, sometimes I need some space because I can’t go out partying on weekends without having to worry about finding a baby-sitter or making sure I’m not hung-over the next day. It just gets complicated and prevents me from letting lose and being young, wild and free.

I replied to Luke’s text, asking if charlotte could stay over and he agreed. He must be over the moon to be honest.

After an hour of sitting on the couch watching ‘The Fosters’, I decided it was time for me to get charlotte’s things ready for her sleepover.

I hope she doesn’t get scared. This is her first time sleeping over at someone’s house when I’m not there and I don’t even know if she’s ready for it. I pushed all thoughts to the back of my mind and kept on packing.

Once I had Charlotte’s pull-ups, pyjamas, tooth brush and some toys for entertainment, I called her downstairs and put her shoes and coat on.

We got in the car and drove to Luke’s house which was an easy half an hour drive. Charlotte wanted to listen to Fifth Harmony so we sung our hearts out to Miss Movin’ On, Boss, Sledgehammer, Me & My Girls and their cover of Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk.

When we pulled into Luke’s driveway that was when Charlotte’s excitement really kicked in. all I was thinking was ‘good luck Luke’. I chuckled to myself and walked up to the front door with Charlotte’s bag in one hand and her hand in the other.

Luke opened the door and an ear-to-ear smile immedianlty planted itself on his face. Is it wrong that Luke’s smile makes my flutter? I hope not.

I’m so confused. Do I even love Michael enough to marry him?

Of course I do, why do I doubt this?

Everything just seems out of place, as if there’s something missing.

Michael and I have been arguing more than ever and it’s starting to get on my nerves. This isn’t a good environment for Charlotte to be in and if Michael and I decide to have another child, I don’t want to bring the poor innocent baby into a house where the parents are always fighting.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Luke grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“You weren’t moving. You stood there for five minutes” he chuckled.

“Oh, haha, I was thinking about something” I confessed, taking a seat on the couch.

Luke took a seat next to me and we both sat and watched Charlotte play with her toys on the floor in front of us.

“She really is beautiful, Kiara” Luke stated.

“She really is” I repeated.

“She’s just like her mother” he whispered. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we sat there in complete silence.

Our quiet moment as a family was interrupted by my phone ringing.  I slid my finger across the screen and answered the call.

“Hello?” I asked, unsure of the person on the other end.

“Hey Kiara, it’s Annabelle. Look, Wesley’s mum has been rushed to hospital and we are on our way to see her so I’m afraid you can’t stay the night. Sorry” she sighed.

“It’s ok, and tell Wesley that I hope his mum gets better soon. Bye” and then I hung up.

I sat back in the couch and ran a hand through my already messed up hair, sighing.

“What’s wrong?” Luke asked softly.

“Nothing, I have the whole house to myself tonight. Yay” I spoke, sarcasm was evident in my voice.

“Well if you don’t want to sleep at home buy yourself, then you can stay here as well. At least we can spend the night together like the proper family that we are” Luke suggested and I nodded, agreeing with his smart thinking.

*             *             *

Once Charlotte was in bed, Luke and I curled up on the couch under a blanket together and watched movies all night.

After the third movie had finished, there were 2 empty packets of chips, a dozen empty chocolate wrappers, 3 empty soft drink bottles and a big, half eaten bowl of popcorn.  This is how I like spending my Friday nights.

Why can’t Michael and I spend time like this without arguing?


Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now