Chapter 4

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Kerem was the first to wake up. He hadn't slept as deeply as he had before the nightmare, so the first rays of sunlight through the windows didn't hurt to wake him up. So, seeing the sunlight coming in through the window, feeling a comfortable bed on his back, fresh air, decent clothes on his body, it was like being human again. In the few hours he was in the "normal" world, he found himself always making parallels, finding any sensation that was common before. It was not naive to think that the underworld where it had been locked had been left behind, because physically it could be true, but psychologically it was not. His tormented days would always be a shadow behind his whole being. He would have to learn to deal with it, Kerem thought. He knew that the life he had chosen would not be easy and he was not willing to leave it. For this very reason, he considered the possibility of therapy, but not with psychologists at MIT. A civilian, who could help with your past problems, too.

Suddenly, Kerem's thoughts were put aside, as he felt the mattress move slowly. Looking to the side and seeing Hande, asleep, made him feel something strange, too, but this time not something he had experienced before. He was very curious to know more about that daring girl. Also to know what so much left her stuck when she was close to him, as if something really bothered her. He thought about asking, but he felt that she wouldn't speak that easily.

- What time is it? - she asked, looking at Kerem with one eye open. He realized that he was staring at her for too long and so he looked away from the corner of the room.

- By the sunlight, it seems to be close to 9 in the morning. - His head gestured towards the window.

- Sorry, I ended up falling asleep here. - she started to get up, adjusting her clothes from the previous day.

- No problem, you were doing me a favor, I appreciate it. - At that moment, he was looking for her gaze, again.

- How about letting go of thanks and going for coffee? - she said getting up from the bed and changing the course of the conversation. -You must be hungry.

- I don't know what a decent coffee has been for months. - he pondered. Liking the idea of ​​having a normal life again.

- I imagine. If you don't want to leave the room, I can order coffee from room service. - She pointed to the phone on the nightstand.

- Do you want to order coffee in bed - he paused with a malicious smile - for us? - now his voice, his look, was completely amusing.

Hande's eyes widened and she started to blush.

- No, I was saying to you. I'm sure Beren is waiting for me anyway.

- I'm sure she's not expecting you. - Kerem said quietly, while getting out from under the sheets and getting up. - Anyway, I'll have breakfast with you at the restaurant.

Hande nodded and looked at her feet.

- If you don't mind, I need to go to my room.

- Of course I don't care, you've done too much for me.

- Okay, see you later. - Before he could say anything else, like a strong gust of wind, Hande went out the door and knocked it behind her.

In the corridor, Hande tried to find a logical explanation to give Beren about her disappearance, but they all looked pretty ridiculous, even the truth. She thought it might be better to say nothing. However, Hande's concern about seeking excuses was canceled out by seeing her friend leave a room, which was not theirs. She might think that her friend was already up, working, but Beren dressed only in a dress shirt, on tiptoes, with disheveled hair, was not a Beren working.

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