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April 1st...


New York...

Moments before the outbreak....

It was a day like most others. People flooding the streets and shops, sounds of laughter and joy in the air. Like I said, it was a day like any other. That was until all around, the TVs and radios alike turned to static as an emergency broadcast appeared.

Everyone turned to attention, not quite understanding why an emergency broadcast was up. Nothing ever really happened anymore that would cause a broadcast that's important.

"Attention citizens, this is not a drill nor an April Fools joke..."

Came the static-y voice.

"We have had a containment breach. Take cover. This stuff spreads with a single bite. I'm afraid to inform you that the apocalypse is among us..."

This struck fear in the hearts of many. Who could've thought that one day, something like this could actually happen? It caused mass hysteria in the streets, people screamed in panic, kids cried, and parents would run off without thinking twice about the younger children.

However, there was two who's reaction was almost the opposite of those fleeing. Good ole' 12 and 13...

The two knew this would happen one day, just not so soon. This was actually quite unexpected.

It seemed fate found her way to bring those together, and this time, it brought back two high school friends developing into something more.

And it all starts with the exchange of an orange rose.

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