Chapter 8

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I glance at 13, humming slightly.

"Anyways, you ready to go back up? We can take the other stairs, they lead into my kitchen. I still wanna show you my apartment!" She asked, a soft smile on her lips. I thought about it for a moment. Down here is amazing... And it honestly has me in awe.

"Well, um... I think we should get the food down here first, and then you can give a tour of the apartment. If it's anything like the rest, then I know it's going to be amazing." I spoke in a soft voice, holding 13's hand in my own. I lift it to my lips and placed a soft kiss.

"Such a gentle-lady..." 13 giggled. I smiled, leading the way back up the stairs. We went to the corner of the store that we left the crates of food, and we began to pack it down to the bunker. It didn't take too long to get them down, what took the longest was unpacking and organizing it in the shelves.

13 would stock the shelves and I'd pass the cans to her. An organized system made things easier. "You know, this reminds of the time you volunteered to help out a store employee." 13 whispered, a soft smile on her lips.

"They seemed to be struggling, I assumed they could use some help." I giggled.

"You're so kind and generous... I always wished to have the confidence you had when it came to things like helping people... and standing up for what's right..." She spoke softly, stacking the cans evenly.

"I knew that if I hadn't done anything, no one else would've."

"And that's beautiful."

"You're beautiful." I winked, smiling softly.

13 looked away, a blush on her face. "Were we always this flirty?"

"Oh, 24/7. People just assumed we were a couple and went on with their lives." I explained, handing her the last couple of cans.


We made our way back upstairs and 13 giggled happily, pulling me along. "Come on! Now you get a tour!!" She exclaimed, so excited that I could almost she her leaping in joy.

I tilt my head, smiling. She brought me up to her apartment, and I began to exam it. When she showed me her room, my eyes widened in awe. "Oh my god... This is so... COOL!" I exclaim looking around, mainly making my way closer to the arsenal of weapons.

I heard her laugh. I noticed slight movement in my peripheral, so I looked back towards 13. "What'cha doing?" I questioned.

"Grabbing my journal." She explained, flipping through the pages. I nodded, observing each inch of the room. I'm memorizing the premises in case I need to find my way in the dark.

What caught my attention was 13 started writing, so I approached behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I sat my chin on her shoulder, reading a little bit of what she was writing. She smiled slightly.

"You're reminding me of all those times in the park where you'd watch me sketch." 13 laughed. I giggle, kissing her on the cheek.

"I think we spent more time in the park then we did at either of our houses..." I whispered.

"Likely..." She giggled, setting the journal down. She turned around, hugging me. "I'm so glad you're back... I've missed you..."

I pulled her closer, burying my face into her shoulder, inhaling her scent. "I've missed you too... I can't imagine being separated from you again..."

"You aren't going to be leaving me again. Now that the apocalypse has started, I'm not taking the chance of you dying off and leaving me alone." 13 lectured.

"I won't darling. If we travel, we travel together. We have each others back..."

"To the end of the line..." We both spoke at the same time. We broke into giggling fits, connecting our lips into a soft kiss.

"I must admit, I'm impressed with what you've done with the place. It's amazing. You designed it the way we had it planned!" I exclaim, my eyes once again wandering the room.

"I knew we'd need it like this one day... So I had it built prepared."

"I guess we're both over prepared."

"You can't be over prepared-"

"Right, only under prepared..." I finished her sentence. 13 nodded, walking over to her bed and sitting down. I continue to examine the place, well, the weapons. I grabbed a sub-machine gun, grabbing a clip and the ammo that went with it. "How did you get all this?"

"Bought it! And got arrested various times for owning 'illegal' weapons."

I made eye contact with her, my eyes widening. Soon enough, a snicker escaped my lips. That snicker developed into a laugh, which spread and made 13 laugh as well. "R-Really?!" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I've almost been arrested about... 10-11 times." She explained between fits of laughter. I coughed due to laughing too hard.

"Oh my god, I can't breathe!" I wheezed.


I gasped in a heavy breath, exhaling. "Wow- breathing-" I whispered, leaning against the wall, regaining my composure. "That... That's badass as hell though..."

"Thank you!" 13 cooed.

"I'm being serious. I've only been close to being arrested once."

"What'd you do-"

"Joined a protest." I explained, running my hand over the barrel of the gun, making sure that there was no dents within it.

"Oh... Oh-..."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, releasing the clip that was already in the gun, checking and making sure it worked properly. It seemed the springs in the clip weren't rusted, which means that I won't have to take much time to fix them.

"Is something wrong with the gun?" 13 questioned after a long moment.

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no-... I was giving it a check-..." I explained, setting it back where I had retrieved it from.

"Oh, I thought you might've found something wrong with it-..." 13 chuckled. "But, you are observant with weapons, so I should expect you to examine each of them."

"Yeah..." I smile, looking up at her.


I glanced to the side, raising a brow. "What was that?"

13 stood up, grabbing a knife. "I don't know..."

The noise was repetitive... It was coming from outside. I glanced out of the window, my eyes widening. "Uh oh..."

"Uh oh?" 13 questioned.

"A horde approaching quickly at 5 o'clock!" I exclaim, a crazed glint in my eyes. I smirk, walking over and grabbing the machine gun. "Now, this should be interesting..." I whispered, smiling at 13.

"Let's do this."

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