Chapter 1: Previously on Always Book 2

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Chapter 24: Start of a Life, Maybe.

Severus's POV:

It has been a month since school let out, and Rhiannon gave birth to Sallie and Salazar. We had moved out of my place at Spinner's End, even though we are going to spend time there from time to time, and we moved into Grimmuald Place until we were able to build, or by a bigger house of our own. I was hoping just to use magic to make my place bigger and fancier for her, but she said that we need to 'spend time with her father'. And we all know how much fun that is going to be fun for me!

"Sev come on!" she said from the front door.

"Do we have to?" I whined as I took the baby stroller that held Salazar, while she took the one that held Sallie.

"Don't you start!" she stated, "You are going and your going to like it!"

Rhiannon's POV:
We arrived at my father's house and the place separated, revealing the door. I could hear Severus sigh and I gave him a glare. We walked into the house and my father, Remus, Tonks, The Weasley's and the rest of the Order meet us at the door. Ron and Hermione take Sallie out of the baby stroller and played with her(A/N: And not like that!). I noticed Pansy and Draco were in the kitchen so I took Salazar out of his stroller and took him into the kitchen.

"Look who came to see you!" I said, giving him to Pansy.

"I can only stay for a few minutes, before my father starts to wonder were I am." Draco stated, "And don't worry I will block my mind about this."

"Thank you, my boy." I smiled.

"I am not your boy!" Draco tensed.

"Yeah you are!" Pansy teased with an eye roll. Draco huffed and cooed after Salazar. I turned to see Remus leaning against the door.

"Hey Moon Pie!" I smiled, giving him a big hug.

"Hey Munchkin." Remus smiled, hugging me back, "You are great with those kids."

"Yeah well." I smiled, as Severus came up behind me putting a hand on my shoulder. I heard the front door open and close. Remus turns around and I see Dumbledore was at the front door.

"Ah, Rhiannon, you mind if I talk to you for a moment?" Dumbledore asked, walking up to me.

"Sure." I smile, walking with him into the living room were no one was. "What is this about?"

"I want to offer you a position." Dumbledore stated, sitting down.

"What kind of position?" I question.

"I want you to become a Potions assistant. I have decided to ask Horace Slughorn to come back as the new Potions Professor and let Severus become the new DADA Professor." Dumbledore replied. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" I ask, with a big smile on my face.

"No, that is your father." he stated, with a wink "But yes you will be safer at Hogwarts." I nodded.

"I accept." I smile, "But I will still have to talk to Sev about it."

A year later(Rhiannon's POV):

It was now Harry's sixth year, and Sev had agreed for me to work as Horace's assistant at Hogwarts. We left our twins with my father, who had help from Remus and Tonks who where now married. I was the Maid of Honor at their wedding, while my father was Remus's best man. Dumbledore got Horace to agree to come teach at Hogwarts, but on the condition that he got a raise and his old office, I think. I was starting to think that maybe me, Sev, and our children could have the life we wanted, but that was all about to change.

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