Chapter 2: Teaching Assistant

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A year later(Rhiannon's POV):

It was now Harry's sixth year, and Sev had agreed for me to work as Horace's assistant at Hogwarts. We left our twins with my father, who had help from Remus and Tonks who where now married. I was the Maid of Honor at their wedding, while my father was Remus's best man. Dumbledore got Horace to agree to come teach at Hogwarts, but on the condition that he got a raise and his old office, I think. I was starting to think that maybe me, Sev, and our children could have the life we wanted, but that was all about to change.

Flashback(Harry's POV):

"Harry Potter. Who's Harry Potter?" A muggle girl asked as I sat in a dinner reading a newspaper.

"No one, bit of a tosser really." I answered.

"Funny that paper of yours, a couple minutes ago I could have sworn I saw a picture move." the girl laughed.

"Hey, I was wondering--"I started.

"11. That's when I get off. You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter." she smiled, giving me a wink.

"You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight." Dumbledore said to me after we apparated to a place that was faintly familiar.

"Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sorta go with it." I answered, with a shrug.

"Merlin's Beard, no need to disfigure me Albus." Horace Slughorn said after Dumbledore had found him disguised as an arm chair.

"I must say, you make a very convincing armchair, Horace." Dumbledore nodded.

"I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?" Horace asked, patting his stomach.

"Dragon's blood." Dumbledore noted, "So what's with all the theatrics Horace? You weren't by any chance waiting for someone else, were you?"

"Someone else? I'm sure I don't know what you mean... Oh alright. The Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year, you know what that's like? You can only say no to these people so many times, so I never stay anywhere more than a week. The Muggles who own this place are in the Canary Islands." Horace said nervously.

Ginny's POV:

"Hedwig?" I whisper as I see Harry's owl, then call upstairs, "Mum?"

"Ginny? What is it?" she asks.

"I was only wondering when Harry got here." I answered.

"What? Harry? Harry who?" she questioned.

"Harry Potter of course." I smiled.

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" she nodded.

"His trunk is in the kitchen. And his owl." I added.

"Harry?" Rhiannon questioned, peeking her head out from the stairs.

"His things are in the kitchen." I nodded.

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