Chapter 5: Pregnancy

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Third Person POV:

Rhiannon woke up the next morning not feeling 100%. She noticed Severus was already up and it smelled like someone was making breakfast. Rhiannon threw the covers off of her and sat up, throwing her legs over the side of the bed. She heard giggling coming from downstairs. Rhiannon smiled and got up, going over to the wardrobe. Rhiannon grabbed a blue dress and some blue flats. She quickly got dressed. Rhiannon waved her wand above my head and did my hair in light curls. She put my wand in my purse and went downstairs. Sirius had our things sent over to the Burrow last night. Luckily she kept diapers and wipes and other things here in case of an accident.

"MUMMY!!" Salazar shrieked, he and Sallie were only 8 months old give or take a few months but they had already said their first words.

"Salazar!" Rhiannon smiled, taking the baby boy from Remus's arms.

"Da-Da?" Sallie whinned, reaching her arms out for Severus. Severus smiled taking his daughter from Sirius.

"You guys ready to go to the Burrow?" Rhiannon asked, while they all nodded. Rhiannon turned her attention to Salazar and talked in the biggest baby voice she could muster, "You ready to go see Fred and Georgie?" Salazar giggled and nodded his head, Sallie shrieked loudly making Rhiannon put a finger to her mouth shushing the 8 month old girl. Sallie mimicked her mother and did the same to her father, resulting in everyone laughing.

Rhiannon's POV:

We apparated to the Burrow and quickly went into the house. Molly meet us at the door and cooed over Sallie and Salazar. She still couldnt get over that Sev was their father, because honestly right now you didnt even think they were his. I sat Salazar down in the playpen that Molly had so gracefully set up in the living room. Bill and Fluer were in the kitchen talking to Arthur and Tonks, while Fred, George, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were in the living room. I, along with my father, Remus and Sev, went into the living room. I sat down next to Hermione and began chatting to her.

"So I got your letter about what Slughorn told you at the Christmas party. Luna is really your cousin?" she asked, as the others talked among themselves.

"I had Arthur check into it at the Ministry, and I even checked with my father and apparently what he said is true. Luna and I are cousins." I smiled, "I wonder why my father never told me that detail."

"Well you know they are kind of......strange." Hermione added.

"Still dont give him the right to keep it from me." I told her, to which she had agreed.

Sirius's POV:

I sat with Remus in the living room and I over hear Rhiannon talking with Hermione about how I never told her about Luna being her cousin. I honestly forgot that part. I watch as Rhiannon clutches her arm, the one with the Dark Mark, as it must be burning her. I narrowed my eyes and notice that she is looking a bit pale. Paler than normal. I nudge Remus and turn to him.

"Does she look pale to you?" I whisper to him. He nods his head.

"Rhiannon, dear, do you mind helping me in the kitchen? You took Hermione, Ginny." Molly asked, suddenly appearing in the living room. Rhiannon smiled at the red headed woman. Arthur and Bill came out of the kitchen and joined the rest of us men.

"Sure Molls." Rhiannon smiled standing up. She wobbled a little bit, but after a few minutes she was fine. I gave Remus a look and he understood.

Molly's POV:

I wanted to speak to Rhiannon in the kitchen and the only way I could do that and not look suspicious was getting all the women in the same room. I noticed something was a little off with her when she walked in.

"Whatcha need help with?" Rhiannon asked as she walked in with Hermione and Ginny following.

"Are you feeling okay?" Tonks asked, quick to the punch. Rhiannon slited her eyes, giving us all a weird look.

"I am-" Rhiannon started, but before she could finish she fainted.

"Rhiannon!" Hermione shrieked, causing the men in the living room to stand up and stare into the kitchen. Severus was the first to her side.

"What happened?" he asked, lifting her head and seating it on his thigh.

"She just fainted that's it." Tonks replied.

"We need to get her to St. Mungo's." I explained calmly.

"What about the children?" Severus asked, looking up with a pain evident all over his face.

"I will watch over them." Remus told him.

"Me too." Tonks added. Severus nodded and then apparated out of the Burrow with Rhiannon in his arms.

Severus's POV:

Once I got Rhiannon to St. Mungo's they took her right to a room and treated her. The whole time she didnt wake up. I paced the waiting room, my robes flapping as I did so.

"Mr. Snape?" someone said, after about an hour.

"Yes, how is my wife?" I asked the nurse.

"She is fine, she fainted because of low blood sugar, and because your wife is pregnant." the nurse explained, "You may see her now." I followed the nurse to a room, where Rhiannon was fully awake and sitting up.

"Sev, oh thank Merlin." she smiled, "When can I go home?"

"As soon as the discharge papers are ready." the nurse answered and left. Rhiannon's smile faded and she looked straight ahead.

"Pregnant." she uttered, "I-I...." She burst into tears. I sat on the hospital bed with her and patted her hair.

"Listen, love, we will get through this together." I whispered soothing her, "I will adopt her if you want me too. When this is all said and done."

"You would do that?" she sniffled.

"I can, but we would have to wait until after the war. Okay, my love?" I said, with a small smile. She laid her head on my shoulder while I held her. After a while she started to scream and hold the arm that had the mark of Voldemort's claiming.

"What's going on here?" the nurse from before asked as she barged in the room. The lights started to dim and there was a sudden wind that wasn't there before.

"Hello, my love." his voice said through the room. The lights went completely out and then came back on. Voldemort was standing at the end of the bed with a smile on his face. I was still holding Rhiannon.

"What did I say about calling me that?!" Rhiannon hissed.

"Oh don't fret my dear. I am not as stupid as you think I am." Voldemort smiled, evilly. "Don't you think by now that I haven't gotten wind of your little love affair with Severus." He turned his attention to me for a split second. "And dont think for one second that it wont go untouched." Rhiannon screamed as pain radiated through her body.

"Stop!" I hissed.

"No, and since you spoke." Voldemort retorted and then used the Crucio curse on me as well. I tried to hide the pain as best I could.

"STOP!" I heard someone roar and light flashing inside the room. I looked down and saw that Rhiannon had moved and was now standing up, hands in front of her, light coming from them. Voldemort flew in the air as did a 360 and fell hard back onto the floor. Once damage was done Rhiannon stopped. She turned on her heel, grabbing my hand, and left the room. She took me out of St, Mungo's and apparated us back to the Burrow, but unfortunately what we came back to was not what we were expecting.

Rhiannon's POV:

Sev and I came back to the Burrow being burned. I instantly thought of the twins.

"SALLIE! SALAZAR!" I screamed, running towards the house, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a familiar cackle. "Bellatrix!" By this point I was seething. I was so mad I could spit nails, however I didnt. I turned on my heel and ran in the direction of her laugh, Severus whisper-shouting after me. I mentally rolled my eyes and kept running.

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