Chapter 11: I will come back for you

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Third Person POV:

"No. He was lowering his wand. In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape. And I did nothing..." Harry answered, "And Rhiannon did nothing to stop any of it." Hermione studies Harry, takes the locket from the rampart.

"She would have died if she didnt help Draco." Ron stated from where he was, "She said so herself."

"Strange. Thinking this is a piece of Voldemort's soul..." Hermione stated.

"Yeah, strange. Only... it's not. It's a fake." Harry answered. As Hermione reacts, Harry nods. "Go on. Open it."

Hermione pries open the locket and removes a piece of parchment folded in a tight square. READS: "'To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.'"She looks up,"R.A.B.?"

"Dunno. But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux. Which means, it was a waste. All of it." Harry explains. Hermione studies Harry's troubled face, then glances at Ginny and Ron.

"Ron's okay with it, you know. You and Ginny. But if I were you, when he's around, I'd keep the snogging to a minimum." Hermione tells him. Hermione smiles faintly, trying to cheer him, but Harry merely nods, looks away again.

"I'm not coming back, Hermione." Harry admits. Hermione nods.

"We reckoned -- Ron and me." Hermione states.

"I have to finish what Dumbledore started. I'm not sure where that will lead me... but I'll let you and Ron konw where I am -- when I can. (ALT: I have to finish what Dumbledore started. And... I have to do it alone.)" Harry added.

"I've always admired your courage, Harry, but sometimes... you're really thick." Hermione stated. Harry turns, looking at her in surprise. "You don't honestly think you can find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you?" (leaning in; a whisper) "You need us, Harry." Harry just stares at her. She cocks her head, smiling, doing her best to coax one out of him. Finally, he does, briefly. "Have you said anything to Rhiannon?"

"I have not no." Harry answered. "I wouldn't know how."

"Tell her the truth." Hermione stated simply.

"Oh and do me a favor. When I'm around? Keep the snogging to a minimum." Harry says. Hermione looks stunned. Reddens.

"Like that's going to happen." Hermione laughed. She glances at Ron, shakes her head. "Besides, he's barking."

"Funny, he says the same about you." Harry adds.

"Yes, but I'm exceptionally perceptive." Hermione states proudly.

"You're brilliant. You both are." Harry nods. Harry looks off again and Hermione follows his gaze. She looks out over the grounds. Slowly losing herself. We can tell. She's taking inventory. Pressing it into a scrapbook.

"Do you think we'll ever... (come back?)" She stops. Her eyes glisten briefly. Then she fights it back. Tough. Harry fights back his own emotion, reaches over and gives her hand a brief squeeze. Then releases her.

"I don't know." Harry answers, "I guess I need to go tell Rhiannon now. You know in case." Hermione nods and Harry's eyes shift, consider Ron and Ginny. As if sensing his gaze, Ron turns and they exchange a look, something unspoken but true passing between them. Ron and Ginny cross to Harry and Hermione, lean against the rampart. All look to the horizon, watching the bird grow smaller while its song -- magically -- endures. No one says a word.

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