Chapter 3: Choosing Draco and the Unbreakable Vow

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Severus's POV:

I felt my mark burn as I sat in my classroom. I clutched my arm and I apparated to Malfoy Manor. Rhiannon was there before I was and she was sitting next to Voldemort, who was trying to hold her hand, but she kept swatting him away. I sat next to Narcissa, whose husband was in Azkaban.

"I have called up all here today because we are getting a new recruit today." Voldemort began, "Draco." I noticed Draco stand and walk up next to Voldemort. The Dark Lord took out his wand and shoved Draco's sleeve up. He pointed his wand and muttered the spell. Draco squirmed in pain, Rhiannon closed her eyes. After a few minutes Draco was screaming in pain.

"Stop it!" Rhiannon screamed. Voldemort whipped his head around to face her and he stopped, the Dark Mark finished on Draco's arm.

"Now that, that is done, we will get down to business. Draco, my son, I have a task for you to prove your loyalty." Voldemort stated, "You will kill Albus Dumbledore, if you kill him it will give us leeway to our bigger project. If you fail then your friend here, Rhiannon, will die. And so will your mother." I heard Narcissa hitch her breath. I looked over at Rhiannon whose eyes looked to about pop out of her head.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute, My Lord." Rhiannon shouts, standing up making the chair squeak.

"What do you think this is? The Hunger Games." Voldemort chuckled.

"Let me do it." she whispered.

"No it has to be Draco." He shouted, hitting her across the face, making her fall to the ground. I wanted to rush to her side, but I knew I couldnt. "You all are dismissed."

Rhiannon's POV:

"All except for you, my love." Voldemort stated. He bent down and helped me up. His hands lingering on my arms. I tried to shake out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let me go until all other Death-Eaters left. He took one of my hands and kissed the top of it. After that he took a step closer to me and put a hand on the low of my back. I felt his breath on my neck. I wanted to die. I rather do that then be forced to sleep with him. However my wish was denied. Voldemort kissed my neck, in a trail to my lips. His lips brushed mine. He roughly locked our lips. I bite him making him take a step back.

He hit me and I fell to the floor, hair falling around my face. He hit me again and again, before he just stopped.

Severus's POV:

I went back to my place in Spinner's End to grab some things from my stash. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Narcissa and Bellatrix. They had come because Narcissa wanted me to protect Draco.

After Bellatrix calls me a coward and says that she doesn't think I will make the Unbreakable Vow, "Take out your wand." I hissed, knowing I will regret this later. Narcissa and I linked arms.

"Do you Severus Snape, agree to protect Draco Malfoy?" Bellatrix asked.

"I do." I said, straight faced.

"Do you agree to kill Dumbledore if Draco cannot fulfill his end?" she asked again.

"I do." I stated. The Unbreakable vow was set and it was over. They left shortly after and so did I. I apparated back to Hogwarts and went looking for my wife.

Rhiannon's POV:

I was bleeding on the floor after Voldemort forced himself on me. He forced himself inside in me. I told him to stopped but he wouldnt. I heard the door open and someone gasp.

"Go get a wet rag." it was Narcissa. She bent down and brushed hair out of my face. "Did he rape you?" I weakly nodded my head as Bella came back with the rag.

"Doesn't surprise me. He wants a child, an heir." Bella said, "Someone to pass on his legacy and finish if he can't."

"Still doesnt give him the right to rape the girl." Narcissa hissed at her sister, who cowered a little.

"Take me to Hogwarts." I said weakly. Narcissa was dabbing my bleeding arm and face as she nodded. I placed a hand on my bicep and apparated me to Hogwarts leaving Bella at the Manor. She put one of my arms around her shoulder and helped me to Severus's chambers. I was thankful to have Narcissa as a mother figure and friend. Once we reached Severus's chambers I was laid on the bed and Severus began to work his magic. Once Narcissa knew I was fine she left. More than likely back to a beating from Voldemort or another Death-Eater.

"My love what happened after I left?" Sev asked.

"I think you know the answer to that question dear." I said, hurting all over. The taste of the potion still lingering in my mouth.

"Yes I suppose I do." Sev sighed, "I should have stayed and-"

"And you would have been tortured and given him all the more reason to suspect us." I added, with a raise of a brow, "I bite him. That's why he did what he did. I just couldn't. I felt like I was cheating on you."

"My love, I think in this situation it wouldnt be considered cheating because you never wanted any of this." Sev told me.

"I think a part of me did when you hit me last year." I admitted, "I was so depressed and hurt. That I wanted something to happen to me, to hurt you like you did me when you hit me." Sev gave me a look of sadness and regret. I put a hand on his cheek to comfort him. I smiled up at him. "I love you."

"And I love you most." He smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I truly did love this greasy git. His hair wasn't even greasy, it was soft and lovable. He was about to leave, but I stopped him.

"Don't leave me." I yawned, "Can you lay with me." He nodded and laid under the covers with me. I laid my head on his chest and instantly fell asleep. I could feel him running his hands through my hair.

A/N: Okay so I just realized that I put Rhiannon Rose in the summary and I did Rhiannon Elizabeth in the story so I went back and just changed it in the summary instead of just going through the story to change it.

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