I'm the Alpha Now - Derek Hale

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I was wandering around Beacon Hills' streets. It was a very cold evening and my ex boyfriend had just kicked me out, what a fucking dick. He wouldn't give two shits if I got hypothermia and died. Not that I wouldn't either if this was the other way around. 
I didn't have any money on me and I had no place to stay. I hoped I'd find some place to stay the night, but I'm too afraid to ask any strangers for help. Hunger will also be a problem later. 
I searched the streets just in case someone had dropped a dollar or two from their pockets, maybe I could buy myself something with them. 
And oh guess did my luck turn good. I saw ten dollars on the ground, but it was in the middle of the road. I looked both ways, making sure I wouldn't get run over by a car. I then walked on the street and bent down to grab it. 
I heard tires screech and I felt sharp pain on my side before I flew a few feet backwards. I was sure I was about to die, I didn't care much, though. I heard a car door open and a man curse under his breath before I blacked out.

I open my eyes and inhale deeply like I had just come back from the dead. I quickly sit up and look around. I didn't recognize the place I was at. I did notice, though, that I had been batched up pretty well considering the circumstances. But it still hurt.
The place where I was was big. When I say big I mean it looked like some kind of a hall of some sort. It had big windows just near the bed I was laying on. The lights were out but I still could see pretty well, I guess some light came in through the windows.
I didn't see anyone anywhere, which made me wonder how I ended up here in the first place and what happened after the car hit me. I had heard a man, maybe this is his place. Unique choice of a house, I got to say.
Maybe he would be back soon. And maybe I should leave before he comes back if it even is him. I'm grateful he did this for me, I surely am, but it still doesn't change the fact that he's a total stranger and could have all kinds of psycho… wackadoo plans for me. I'd rather not be a part of it.
The big gray t-shirt I was wearing sure wasn't mine. Did he change my clothes? Because I literally just have my bra underneath the t-shirt. At least he hadn't taken it off, a little respect at least. Or what do I know, he could've just put them back on me. Shit, I don't trust men at all. Thank you Jayden, my lovely crazy ex. I rolled my eyes just at the thought of him.
"Where the fuck are my clothes?" I mumbled under my breath as my eyes searched around the room. However, I did not see the silhouette of a man slowly walking closer to me. 
"I threw them away." Said a deep voice from the corner. I almost jumped five feet in the air and screamed. I had not expected him to stand there.
"You can keep my shirt, I don't care." He said as he walked into the light so I could see him. His features were handsome, but he had this mysterious vibe in him that I just couldn't put my finger on. It just made him interesting.
His green eyes studied me, watching how I reacted to his words and movements. 
“What do you mean you threw them away? Who the hell even are you? Why did you bring me here instead of taking me to an actual hospital? I could’ve died!” I immediately start ranting and asking questions at my usual state of panic in a not that usual situation. 
“The questions won’t end, will they? I’ll answer all of them in time, but now I’ve something else planned.” He replied, speaking calmly, completely ignoring the state my mind was at.
I got goosebumps all over my body. He was a big man and I look very weak and vulnerable compared to him, as I was. Plus I was hurt, which was also his fault. I wouldn't be able to fight back if he tried to do something to me.
“W-what do you mean?” I asked him nervously.
He walks closer and puts a bag made of thin cardboard on the end of the bed and backs away, giving me space. Maybe he isn’t as bad as I thought. I opened the bag and was greeted by a familiar scent of MacDonald’s hamburgers. There was also fries and ketchup for them. 
“I didn’t know what you like, so I brought something basic.” He explains himself. “Anywho, eat.”
I attacked the food like a hungry animal. The guy just watched me, amused. 
“Uh, what’s your name?” I ask, my mouth full of fries. I then chuck down some Coca-Cola with them. 
"Derek." He says and crosses his arms over his chest. I guess it's the time for the q&a.
“Derek? As in Derek Hale?” I ask, because I think I know now who I’m facing. I had lived in Beacon Hills almost all my life and I know it’s history pretty well. The Hale family has been here for centuries. It wasn’t that of a long time ago when their family house burned down and almost all of the family died. There were just a few rumoured survivors who weren't there at the time. And one of them was Derek. People haven’t seen him much since and it’s weird to run into him like that. Or he ran into me. Whatever.
“Yes. So you’ve heard of me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow like he was surprised.
“Yeah, ‘course. I’ve heard about the fire, I’m sorry.” I apologized, though it wasn't my fault.
“Yeah we don’t… talk about that.” He muttered, clenching his jaw. I took it as a sign of frustration, which just made me anxious. Y/n, this is a sensitive topic. You don’t just go out there and talk to him about his dead family.
“Shoot, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come off like that… I justー I don’t know…” I try to explain myself, but failing miserably. An amazing first impression. Well done.
“It’s all right. You seem to have some problems yourself.” Derek states, forgiving my manners already.
“It’s that obvious, huh?” I chuckle awkwardly. 
“Well you were in the middle of the street picking up a little cash someone had dropped.” He shrugged. “Money issues?” 
“Not really… well at least till I get back home.” I say, scratching the back of my neck. 
“Where do you live then?” Derek asked, actually sounding intrigued.
“I used to live here in Beacon Hills just about a few hours ago, but my boyfriend kicked me out and I don’t think I’m welcome there no more.” I explained what happened.
“Can you crash at your parents’?” Derek asked, maybe thinking he could drop me off there and finally get rid of me. I must’ve wasted his time.
“Man, I wish. My dad left when I was young and I haven’t seen him since. And my mother? Well she kinda hates me so…” It got a little awkward for me since I just opened up to a stranger, so I decided to cut myself off before I revealed too much. I guess it was easier to speak to someone who has lost family, too. It might not be the same kind of loss, since none of my family has died for all I know.
“So you don’t have any place to stay?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows, concerned.
“I guess I don’t, but it’s alright. It’s summer so it’s warm during the night. I’ll be alright.” I try to convince not just him but myself, too. “I’ll just go once I’m finished eating. I don’t want to be a burden.” I flashed him a quick smile.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Derek stated as he sat on the edge of the bed like a parent, that was going to talk to their kid, who had done something wrong. 
“Oh, you think I’ll get hit by another car?” I ask, amused.
“Sure.” He said, which caused me to scoff.
“You gotta be kidding.” I rolled my eyes, proceeding to get out of the bed.
“No, wait!” He almost exclaimed before I screamed in pain that had just suddenly hit me. I collapse on the floor in a fetus -position. 
“I should’ve warned you about that.” He grimaces, as he watches my pathetic being on the floor whining like a little baby.
“Help me.” I croak.
“As in help you up or make the pain stop?” Derek asks as he squats down in front of me. 
"Do whatever, man." I groan.
"Want to hear the terms and conditions first before becoming one of us?" Derek asks, as if jokingly.
"One of whom?" I asked, confused.
I looked up and saw Derek looking down at me, a smirk slowly forming on his face. As his smirk widened, his eyes started to change color. And the color was bright red. It would've scared me to death if I hadn't researched Hale family's history even further and found out something terrible. However, I didn't believe it at first but now there was one right in front of me. A werewolf.
"You don't look afraid." He stated, tilting his head to the side.
"I knew it." Is all I could get out of my mouth as my mixed thoughts and feelings raced around in my head.
"Please." I pleaded.
"You sure? There's hunters and—" He started having second thoughts himself.
"The Argents, I know." I say and grab the collar of his shirt and look him right in the eyes, making sure he knows I'm not playing around.
"Turn me." I say tightly.
"As you wish." He said before digging his sharp teeth in my flesh. It hurt so much that it made me moan in pain, but it was over quickly. Now there was a big bite mark on my wrist. 
“If you suddenly start feeling unusually weak, immediately tell me. There is a chance that the bite could kill you.” Derek tells me. And now you tell me? Well I guess it’s just my own fault. 
“It should heal in about 30 minutes.” He adds before helping me back on my feet and on the bed. 
“What now?” I ask, raising a brow.
“We wait.” He responds and sits down next to me. 
I fall on my back and look up to the ceiling. Taking a deep breath I studied how I felt, both physically and mentally. There was no change yet. 
“Why would you even want to turn me? Like what’s the point? Have you turned others, too?” Here I begin with the questions again.
Derek let out a sigh before he answered my questions, “I need more betas to my pack and yes, I have turned 3 other people, teenagers to be specific.” 
“What? How do you pick the people? What if they had said no?” I think I’m getting more annoying by the minute. He’s probably going to regret his decision.
“I pick teenagers, because they have so many problems, that they would love to not have them. Like sickness or just the lack of power over their own lives.” Derek explains.
“I get that. That’s why I wanted you to… you know.” I mumbled. The memory of the breakup with Jayden returned in my mind. Suddenly I started feeling very emotional, which is because the anger I’ve felt the past few hours was moving aside and revealing the grief behind it. 
A tear fell down my cheek that I aggressively wiped off. 
“Are you crying?” Derek asks, turning to look at me.
“Wow, very polite and no. I’m okay.” I try to hide it.
“No, you were definitely crying. What’s wrong?” He asks again, now studying the expressions I made on my face before I decided to answer.
“Nothing serious… it’s just… I broke up with my boyfriend that I had been with for three years. It didn’t end that well and I… miss him.” I sit back up next to Derek and run my hand through my hair in a slight frustration. 
“Want to talk about it?” He asked, trying to be friendly.
“Nah, man. I just need to get my mind off of it.” I say it as it's easy, but in reality it isn't. Right now the only thing I could think about was Jayden.
“What do you want to do?” He asked, which I did not have an answer to. 
“Surprise me.” I shrug, hoping he would put on an interesting movie or something like that. Even card games would’ve done the trick.
“If you say so.” He said. “Want to hear a story?”
“Do tell.” I shrug.
“I don’t know if you remember, but we went to high school at the same time. Well I’m a year older, but you get the idea.” He begins the story.’
“No, I remember. You were with Paige, right?” I did remember him from high school but his appearance had changed a lot over the years.
“Yeah… beginning of sophomore year. We formed a good relationship, and then she died, which was all my fault. She was bitten by an alpha and she died of the bite.” He explained and let out a deep breath after.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I just heard she died in an accident.” I felt bad for him. I couldn’t even imagine how he’d felt.
“Senior year was when I had gotten over it, I think. I did start having feelings for other girls at that point. That’s when I got my eyes on you.” Derek revealed, which I didn’t expect. He had a crush on me? 
“You’re lying. You never said anything.” I stated, my voice full of doubt. 
“That’s because I was afraid I’d hurt you too. And you were with that Max guy at the time.” He says, adding a light chuckle.
“Yeah… Max. So, what’s the point of this story of yours?” I ask.
“So you’d know why I want to do this.” said Derek, though I didn’t understand what he meant.
“Do whaー” I was about to ask, but I got cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. It came out of nowhere, but I didn’t push him away. I actually did the exact opposite; I kissed him back.
The kissing started to turn out to be a making out session, that just wouldn’t seem to end. Not like I would’ve complained. He was amazing at this.
He pushed me down and I landed on his big pillows. He crawled on top of me like a predator trying not to let its prey escape. He licked his lips before putting them against mine again. He moved himself so his body was between my legs. He grinded his crotch against my womanhood teasingly, making me just wetter. I just wanted him to fuck me already. This was unusual for me, though. I never feel like this about someone I had just met. Now getting him inside of me was all I wanted.
I greedingly grab the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it over his head, so his beautiful body would be exposed to me. He was ripped. I just kept staring at his body, taking all of it inside. 
“Like what you see?” He chuckled, his voice now pretty deep.
“Mhm.” Was all I could get out of myself. I was way too distracted by him. 
He started leaving light kisses along my jawline and towards my ear. He nibbled my earlobe gently with his teeth. “Naughty girl.” He murmured in my ear, making goosebumps rise all over my body. 
“Just fuck me already.” I groaned in frustration. 
“Of course.” He said. I could only see how full of lust his green eyes were. With a swift move both my pants and panties were just gone and I was exposed to him.
“Keep the shirt on. You look hot in it.” He winks, making my cheeks burn up.
He took a minute to admire me under him, helpless, powerless… all his. 
“Fuck you’re so hot, y/n.” He stated, wanting to let me know how much he enjoyed the moment.
He started opening his belt, making it look so hot that I had to press my thighs together to gain some friction and pleasure.
He scoffed in amusement, a smirk garnishing his lips and he pulled the belt off completely, throwing it on the floor. Then he took his own pants off, them a little quicker than his belt, since he was growing more impatient himself. I could see how tight his boxers were getting as his erection grew harder, just waiting to be set free. 
“Derek, please just…” I groan again.
He pulled down his boxers, too, letting his erection spring free. It was bigger than I had thought, but I was sure I could take him, though.
He reached to the drawer of his nightstand and took out a condom. He ripped the packaging open with his teeth and started putting it over his cock. He also gave it a few good strokes before turning his attention back to me.
“How much do you want it?” He teased even more, driving me crazy.
“As I’ve repeated at least five times: fuck me.” I begged desperately.
He pushed himself in me slowly, making sure it wouldn’t hurt me too much. I took a tight grip of his biceps and bit my lip so I didn't scream in pain. 
“How are you so tight?” Derek moans. 
When he was all the way in I told him to stop for a moment and not move so I could adjust to his size. 
“Okay, you can move now.” I said, sounding like I was out of breath.
He started pulling his cock out and then pushed it back in more forcefully. He increased the speed little by little and the pain finally moved aside. It was all pleasure now. 
“Ah shit, Derek. Harder.” I beg him to do it more rough. His movements turned rougher as he grinded himself against me. I bite down hard on my bottom lip so I wouldn't be too loud.
“Don’t. I want to hear you scream my name.” Derek almost like growls. 
He pushes himself even deeper in me, hitting my g-spot. The loudness of my scream was new even for me. It just made Derek smirk smugly.
He attacks my neck with bites as he keeps pounding in me. I kept letting out porn star moans as he kept going. He bites and sucks on the skin of my neck, leaving hickeys everywhere.
He leaves my neck and presses his lips against mine lustfully. He then reaches down with his hand and presses his thumb clitoris, which sends shockwaves down my legs. He started rubbing my clit with his fingers, giving me even more pleasure.
“Derek, I’m so close.” I moaned. 
“A moment.” He hissed through his teeth as he increased the speed of his sloppy thrusts as he got closer to his own peak. It was really getting harder to hold it in.
“Derek.” I said as a warning.
“Cum for me.” He said. That was all I needed and I came screaming his name. He came at the same time as me, releasing his load in the condom. He almost collapsed completely on top of me but stopped the fall with his elbows and forearms. He did come, though, as close that his nose touched mine. He looked in my eyes as he rode out both of our highs before pulling out. 
Derek climbed out of the bed and took the used condom off, throwing it in a trash can. He walked into the bathroom naked. I got to admit that my eyes traveled south, admiring the view.
Soon he walked out with a towel in his hands. He cleaned us up and then laid beside me on the bed.
I rolled over so my head was resting on his bare chest and our naked bodies were tangled to each other. I enjoyed the new feeling, he was a lot more muscular than Jayden, my ex. And Derek was bigger, if you know what I mean. I had completely forgotten what it had felt like to sleep with someone else besides Jayden. God it felt good. But I had to make sure of something.
"I hope you don't think that I did this just because of the break up." I notified.
"Shh," He put his finger on my lips. "Of course, but you were supposed to forget about him. Do we need a round two?" 
I giggled. "Maybe some other time." 
Derek takes my arm in his, noticing how the bite mark wasn't there anymore.
"Welcome to the pack." He says, adding a smile at the end of the sentence.
"The best welcome ever. You do this to everyone?" I asked jokingly.
"Not exactly." 

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