Chapter 6: A Walk in the Garden

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After a morning consisting of treaty meetings that actually were a bit more productive than the others and an early lunch, I had set off to explore the grounds of the castle. I had asked Magnus if he wanted to join, but he said something about preparing for a date and scampered off before I had the chance to respond. I hadn't wanted to ask any of the royals because I felt I needed time to be Tessa.

I walk down the large hallways and let my mind wander. I'm wearing a simple light dress that billows around my ankles and a black jean jacket over it. Sophie's dark hair is pulled back in a small french braid. I would have liked to walk around as myself, but I pictured guards swarming me immediately when I thought of it, thinking I was suspicious as I've never been seen in the castle before. Even though it was unlikely to occur, I kept my change up.

I think about happy topics, like all my new friendships with the royals and how I have lasted seven days as Sophie. There is only one week left of my two-week stay. There's a certain celebration in having made it halfway through this. Hopefully, Sophie will be here soon, so this whole charade will end. However, part of me twists at the thought of having none of them notice me leaving when it's time or just leaving in general. My mind shifts to not-so-happy topics. What will people do if they find out about me? That thought has been a dark cloud, a sword hanging over my head for a week now. Always there, lurking in the back of my mind. Then, a new thought comes: What will the royals think? Will they still want to be friends with me? I want to say yes because I know them, and they don't treat servants badly but the lying. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't want to have anything to do with me because of my lies. I walk aimlessly, my eyes drifting around and lingering on my findings: a music room with a violin lying on a countertop in its case and a piano with sheet music on top, a movie room with a large dark screen and rows of velvet chairs, the kitchen with cooks bustling around.

I walk on and on, about to peep into the library for a quickie, although I knew if I'd gone in, I wouldn't be out for a good while. I walk past it, debating whether to go in. But when I told myself I'd turn around and go into it, a breeze blew past me and rustled the little locks of hair that had come loose from the braid. I take in a breath and look in the direction where it originated from. A window had been left open, and through it, I could see the alluring sight of the outdoors, a lovely garden and bench overlooking the ocean. I smile and keep walking, looking around for a door to exit and go there.

I find it and push it open. As I step out, a breeze swirls around me and revitalizes me. I walk to the garden, past the overhang of some trees, and reach the edge just as a voice rips through the quiet tranquility and soothing ambiance of the scene.

I jolt and then slowly turn around, fixing a poised mask over my features.

I come face to face with Lord Mortmain.

"Your highness," he bows. It almost looks mocking, but I don't dwell on it. There's a small twist of his lips that I think is supposed to be friendly but only succeeds in making me feel sick with anxiety. I don't let it show.

"Lord Mortmain," I greet cooly. My stomach churns as I think of all Mortmain's staring at me. Why did I have to be stuck with him? I feel Sophie's inner voice stir, listening in on what's going on. She had kept to her word and hasn't spoken much since the trip through town, but I can still feel her disapproval sometimes in my head even when she doesn't speak.

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