Chapter 5

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The aromatic smell of spices and roasted vegetables made Crystal salivate as she walked through the doors of KrissKross, her parents’ restaurant, at ten past five the next evening. She wished her mom and dad would let her be a regular spoiled, bratty rich kid, but no, they had to try to ‘instill the value of money’ in her and teach her not to ‘take things for granted.’

As a result, she worked Saturday shifts at KrissKross, modeled occasionally, and during school vacations she worked at the Glacier hotel which was owned by Malcolm Price, her dad’s aunt’s husband. Crystal rolled her eyes inwardly. Her family was complicated.

In any case, she didn’t know of any other hotel heiresses—yes, Mal Price had kindly included her and Caleb as heirs—who had to work like she did. She should be partying, engaging in underage drinking, and dating buff male models. Not working and being responsible.

Crystal sighed as she entered the staff area. Shane, the restaurant manager was tapping the monitor on the wall, checking the ‘on-duty’ staff list. He eyed her as she walked through the door. He sighed. “Crystal, Crystal.”

“Shane, Shane,” she replied, knowing what he was about to say. They had the same conversation every week.

“I employ beautiful women so that they can look beautiful and encourage patrons to tip more.” He eyed the sloppy bun she’d tied her hair into.

“I thought you employ me because my dad makes you.”

“Yes, there’s that, too.” Shane grinned and hugged her. He and her dad went way back so she regarded him like family. “But, I’ve never known a girl who does so much to hide how stunning she is. At least your friends present themselves appropriately.”

Crystal gave him a mock glare. “I thought I was your favorite?”

“My favorite is whoever brings in the most tips.”

“So it’s like that?”

“Yes.” Shane’s eyes narrowed. “I usually try not to have the three of you on the same shift, but I hear Trixie swapped shifts with someone. God help us all.”

“We’re not that bad.”

Shane’s brows lifted slightly. “Prove it. Anyway, I heard about your misdemeanor on Thursday.”

Crystal rolled her eyes. Her parents must have told him. “My mom and dad are still mad. Will you tell them you think I’ve been punished enough?”

“Have you been punished enough?”

“Yes, I’m grounded, and I can’t turn around without my mom snapping at me. And dad is still just being all quiet with me.”

“Are you sorry? Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes to both questions.”

Shane looked like he was considering it. “Where does the guy live? Your dad says he only managed to give him one black eye. I can do the other.”

Crystal grinned. “Just tell my mom and dad I was quiet today and didn’t seem my usual self.” She batted her lashes. “Please.”

“We’ll discuss this at the end of your shift, after I’ve seen how much you’ve made in tips.” He turned and headed for the kitchen.

Crystal growled. She checked the monitor screen for her instructions. She was working tables one to five; manageable. Although, that would change during the course of the evening.

She went to get her notebook, which wasn’t a notebook at all but a small electronic device that she typed orders into. Those orders then flashed up on a screen in the kitchen. When the order was ready she’d receive a notification on the ‘notebook’ to come and pick it up.

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