Chapter 19

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Crystal thought she might feel nervous about her choice to make the band sing a gospel song, but she didn’t. She thought she might chicken out from fear of the repercussions, but her resolve cemented as she waited backstage with Jamie and Trixie.

For today’s audition they were performing in front of all the other contestants that had gotten through yesterday.

Her phone vibrated while she waited for The Sirens to be announced. She had a feeling it would be a text from Caleb’s number again so she wasn’t surprised when his name flashed up and it was a similar message to the one she received yesterday. She tossed her phone into her purse, unmoved. It only made her all the more determined, all the more defiant. Try a new tactic, Randall, she thought as The Sirens were announced.

She walked out onto the stage. She even managed a smile. There were five people on the panel today. They would whittle the number of contestants down even further. Then tomorrow, the remaining contestants would audition for the actual judges of the show. It was a rigorous audition process, but it meant that the people who got to the live shows were people who were consistently good, rather than people who could wow an audience once.

Crystal smiled as she told the judges what song they were singing. They were going to give a darn good performance. And the SOT was going to get her message loud and clear.

“You look a lot better today, Crystal,” the SOT woman on the panel said.

Crystal bowed her head slightly. “Thank you.”

The music started, and the woman gave Crystal the three-fingered SOT salute. Crystal wished she would stop doing that. She looked away from her and started singing. As they sang, she was impressed with Trixie’s performance. No one would ever guess that two hours ago, Trixie didn’t know the song or the dance.

Crystal felt her confidence build as the performance went on, as it always did whenever she was on stage. She found herself forgetting all about the SOT and sashaying around and singing from her soul.

At one point she noticed Soul Fugz standing in the wings, preparing to come on stage after them. Paul winked at her and gave her a thumbs-up sign as she sashayed passed them. He might be impressed, but Crystal doubted the judges would be; which was the whole aim.

When they finished two of the judges gave them a standing ovation. The SOT woman didn’t.

“That was a fantastic performance,” one of the men said. “You three girls definitely have what it takes. And you…” he pointed at Crystal, “are a star.”

Crystal beamed and acted excited like Tristan had told them to that morning. Act like you can’t believe the judges think you’re talented. It’ll come across as humility.

Crystal didn’t check her phone afterwards, in case there was a threat waiting for her on it. She sat in her assigned seat in the auditorium and watched the other performances. Saleisha nailed hers. Soul Fugz sang an old school song that had everyone on their feet and dancing. They were good, although they did tend to grab their crotches a lot during the performances. Kyran was performing shirtless.

Lights flashed, cameras zoomed in and out. Crystal had a headache. She left as soon as the auditions were over.

“Crystal,” Jamie called, coming after her. “We’re going out for dinner. Are you coming?”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

Jamie paused. “Are you okay?”


She raised her brows. “Because if you’re not, you can talk to me. I want us to do Searchlight but not if it ruins our friendship. If you don’t want to be here we can pull out.”

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