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Rain pelted down from an overcast sky, matting his hair to his head and slickening his grip on the rifle he held in his hands. The weather forecast had predicted sun. Regardless, the rain was only a minor setback—not an impediment big enough to cause the sniper any issues. He clung to the shadows, watching as his target, President James McCarthy, exited the Presidential State Car. The President wore his trademark black suit and had a black woolen jacket folded over his arm.

The sniper adjusted his position, his brain automatically recalculating, taking into account the wind and rain, the President’s fast-paced walk, and the distance accumulating between them. The Foreign Secretary and a handful of others flanked the President.

The sniper’s finger touched the trigger. He stopped breathing, forced his body into statuesque stillness…and fired.

A second ticked by, then the President dropped to the ground. Sudden frantic chaos erupted from those around him. Mission Complete.

The sniper pushed the button on his watch that would alert his superiors. They could start making the necessary arrangements to usher in the revolution they desired. The President was dead.

He crouched down and placed the rifle on the floor gently, then left the scene; satisfied at a job well done, despite the adverse weather that would render most snipers inept. They didn’t call him the One Shot Wonder for nothing. He’d never had to shoot twice.

He found the hired car where he’d left it, and jumped inside. He inserted his earpiece. “Good work,” a voice said immediately.

The sniper was surprised. Luke was rarely forthcoming with praise towards him.

“Senator Hounslow will take things from here,” Luke continued. “As for us, we will focus on acquiring new assets.”

The sniper assumed that this was a group call. He wondered how many others were involved in this project.

“The first asset is Crystal Layton-Washington. We’ve been monitoring her for a while. It’s time to make a move.”

“I have been watching her as you requested,” another voice said. The sniper recognized it as Randall; one of Luke’s henchmen. “Cameras have been installed around her family home and school.”

“I hear she likes bad boys,” Luke said with a chuckle. “So I’m assigning Seven to her. He will monitor her and give us feedback on how she is reacting as we move in on her.”

The sniper started the car and began driving back to the car rental. Luke never used names in these phone calls, only codes.

“Seven?” came a disgruntled voice. “He has the charisma of a buffalo. He’ll never win her loyalty. She’ll probably see right through him.”

“I have my reasons.” Luke’s tone dared anyone else to dissent. “Four would have been ideal, but he has other duties.”

The sniper exhaled as he drove. Assassinations were easy, familiar and almost second nature to him. Now, he wanted to work with Senator Hounslow. Not woo some girl!

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