Chapter 23

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The next few days were a haze of happiness and pep talks about how fabulous and superior to everyone else Crystal was. As she was driven to the first live show, on Friday, Crystal felt like a princess. She sipped from a glass of sparkling water, poured for her by Amanda, who was sipping champagne. She couldn’t wait for the show. Couldn’t wait to show the world what she could do. She was thankful for the opportunity, for the privilege, and she wasn’t going to take it for granted. She was going to do her very best.

When they arrived, she was whisked backstage, where Alejandro was waiting. Once she walked into the backstage area, every camera focused on her. She floated over to Alejandro who she’d spent a lot of time with over the last few days and greeted him with a kiss.

“Are you ready to rock this house?” he asked, leading her to her dressing room.

“You bet,” Crystal said. She warmed up her voice, running through a couple of scales, while Alejandro dressed her. Maya had already done her hair and makeup back at the hotel.

“You’re the last act on stage tonight,” Amanda told her. “Close the show with a bang.”

Crystal nodded. She’d rehearsed until she could sing the song in her sleep. And besides, she was miles better than the other contestants. She was going to win this thing, and then move on to better things like chart domination, and then world domination. She smiled gleefully. She would be the best, and the world would love her. And when Senator Hounslow ran for office, she would support him, and influence millions to support him, too. She would put him in the Whitehouse.

It didn’t take long for Alejandro to dress her. When he finished, Crystal checked her reflection. Her mouth hung open. Was that her? She looked stunning. “Wow,” she breathed.

“I know,” Alejandro said. “You’re breathtaking.”

“The dress is a masterpiece, Alejandro.”

“Gracias, señorita. Go out there and work it.”

“I will.”

Alejandro’s gaze lowered to the necklace she wore; Juda’s star. “You need to take that off.”

Crystal removed it and tucked it into her purse. A few minutes later the show coordinator came for her. He led her to the stage entrance. Crystal could hear Soul Fugz finishing their performance of a sentimental love song. They sounded good. Crystal sang along to keep her voice warm. The feedback the judges gave them was good.

When they came off the stage, Crystal saw that they all wore black leather pants and nothing else.

“Hey, Crystal,” Paul greeted, coming to hug her while the others went on to their dressing room.

Crystal put up her hands and stopped him. “Don’t touch me!”

Paul frowned. “What?”

“My dress. I’m going on stage in a minute.” She eyed his bare chest. “Did you guys perform shirtless?”


“Nice.” Crystal smiled a little. That might get some of the female votes, but she was still going to win hands down. “Good luck to you.”

Paul lowered his voice. “Wish us bad luck,” he said. “And I’ll wish you bad luck, too. This stupid show…” He paused. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Crystal said nothing, but she was appalled. Bad luck? Stupid show? She had a good mind to report him to Luke for saying that. She turned on her heel and walked away from him. She was glad that he didn’t follow. She was going on stage in a moment, and she needed to focus.

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