Leviathan x Reader | Let's Meet Up!

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Vibe to My Chance with me :D for future readers, it was released today.

(Y/n) = Your name

(f/c) = Favorite color

(f/f) = Favorite food or you can just choose food of choice if you're indecisive like me

(Y/u) = Your username


You shut your bedroom door behind you and put on your (f/c) headphones as you plopped into your spinning chair. It's nighttime on a Thursday now, and time for you to go on your PC.

Signing on to Discord, you smiled as your online friend L3V1's status changed to "online." You both play similar online games and kept bumping into each other, so just recently, you guys exchanged Discord IDs, created a server reserved for only the two of you, and now both chill and watch anime together while on Discord Live. Turns out you both were around the same age and live in the same timezone, which was convenient. No awkward age gaps, and no "I just woke up but now it's time for you to sleep" shit. In other words, problems that arise with friending people online.

"What anime are we watching today?" you cheered as L3V1, or his real name, Levi, popped into the voice channel.

"Um, how about I was reincarnated to a princess in a romance novel but my dad is a ruthless murderer and somehow he loves me only except now I'm caught up in a love triangle between an angel and a hot sorcerer and oh god he knows I reincarnated and now my secret is at risk?" Levi's voice came through.

You grabbed (f/f) and settled yourself onto your chair. You made sure to pull a blanket over you, which you put over the chair when it's not in use. "Sounds good! You're the one streaming again today?"

"Yup!" Levi confirmed.

There was the sound of a door banging open from Levi's microphone, startling you, and you can faintly hear someone shouting, "Oi! Levi! Lemme borrow some of your Grimm! I'll pay ya back!"

Grimm? You puzzled over this. This other person makes it sound like it's a form of money. As far as you know, there's US dollars, euros, yen, won, and many other currencies that go by different names, but you've never heard of "Grimm."

You shrugged. Maybe it's some trading card game, and this other person is asking for some cards, like in Pokemon.

"You said that last time too, and that was six hundred years ago!" you heard Levi shout.

You muted yourself so your anime buddy doesn't hear you choke on your food.

What the fuck?!

"Wrong! Six hundred and fifty!"

"Mammon, this is why you're scum! Now get out of my room!"

You just silently waited, slowly chewing your food so you can hear every noise coming from Levi's microphone. There was the sound of the door closing and rustling.

"Sorry about that," Levi apologized. "My idiot of a brother wouldn't leave me alone. I'm embarrassed to call him my brother, actually."

You forced a light laugh, trying to cover up your shock. "It's fine! Let's move on to the anime, shall we?"

Both of you watched through half of the anime before you guys called it a good night. The first season of the anime has one hundred episodes, so that was an accomplishment.

"Good... night," you said, suppressing a yawn.

"You too, (Y/n)," Levi said. You can hear the drowsiness in his voice.

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