Solomon X Pianist! Reader | A Performance for the Wise Solomon

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I MADE IT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SHADY LADY (It's still December 9 here lol)!

That's one of my favorite piano pieces :3 it's from the movie Castle in the Sky.

I never watched the movie but this piece makes me sad yet warm at the same time.

(Y/n) = Your name

(f/o/c) = Food of choice. This will be described as a type of food easily found in a fast-food restaurant such as McDonald's.

(S/o/c) = Song of choice. You can pick your song to play. If you don't have one, you can pick the one suggested above. The song will be described as a piano piece and a soft and calming melody, so if you pick some loud anime opening it probably won't fit.


A little begging with Lucifer finally allowed you to go out to a nearby store. Now the obstacle standing in the way is the pricing of the piano.

You stood there, staring at the expensive pricing labeled on the electric keyboard.

Maybe I have some-- nope I'm broke on Grimm. You sighed, shoving your wallet back into your pocket.

Guess I'll have to wait.

There is a piano in the music room in the House of Lamentation, but Lucifer restricted everyone from using it. The music room became locked to everyone other than the eldest brother.

Even if you could use the piano, instruments are made to create sound. You're fine with that, except for the fact that seven other people live in the house. If you decide you want to do some stuff at three in the morning, you'd have to prepare for a scolding from Asmo or Belphie and a lecture from Lucifer.

You haven't played the piano for a long time, making your skills quite rusty. But there's a song that you memorized, one that you remember by heart.

This is why you need to buy an electric piano, where you can just plug in headphones when playing. You can't ignore practicing the piano, but you can't interrupt everyone living in the same house as you.

Should I work some extra hours?

"Surprised to see you here, (Y/n)." A voice came from behind you. You turned around to see the familiar silver-haired sorcerer, a human exchange student like you. Also happening to be your crush, but that's not important.

"Hey, Solomon," you greeted as he walked over to you. "What are you doing here?"

"Sometimes demons here perform during certain hours of the day so they attract more customers. I usually stop by sometimes to listen," Solomon explained. He glanced at you. "What about you, (Y/n)?"

As embarrassing as it was, you told Solomon about your situation. He let out a soft chuckle at your flushed face.

"How about this: right now, you can use a practice room to play an instrument in there. I'm sure there's a keyboard stored in one of them somewhere. If you manage to impress me, I'll buy this piano for you," Solomon offered.

You frowned skeptically. "What if I wasn't good enough?" And playing in front of my crush is--

Solomon patted your head, laughing. "No need to be so unconfident."

Holy shit he just head patted me.

You nodded. "Alright, let's go."

The demon behind the counter directed you both to a vacant practice room. "Don't take too long." The door shut behind the demon.

Solomon sat on a stool that was positioned next to the door, nodding at you to go ahead. You gulped nervously before sitting at the upright piano placed on the opposite side of the small room.

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